Friday, February 24, 2012

Cara and Crew - Get a Job

Latest stats on unemployment.

Do you remember that old do wop song by the Silhouettes, Get a Job?

As Cara Jennings is protesting Allen West with a charge that he voted to cut off unemployment benefits, read the above article to find some startling facts. It seems that we are slowly crawling out of this recession and unemployment has been reduced.

In December, Allen West said, "Today I joined a bipartisan coalition of Members of the House of Representatives, putting Americans before politics and voting in favor of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act. I support this legislation because both the extension of the payroll tax holiday and the extension of unemployment insurance program are paid for. Further, the legislation protects the social security program for both today and future retirees."

The total number of weeks of benefits available in any particular State depends on the unemployment rate and unemployment insurance laws in the State where the person worked. Florida has reduced the maximum number of weeks that you can collect unemployment benefits to 85 weeks. This State law took effect on January 1, 2012. Prior to that, it was 99 weeks.

Maybe Jennings and crew should use all this time and energy looking for a job rather than demonstrating and demanding "entitlements" from our government. Allen West is actually doing something about unemployment and helping small businesses.

After breakfast, everyday, she throws the want ads right my way, and never fails to say,
Get a job Sha na na na, sha na na na na.

1 comment:

  1. Please e-mail this blog post directly to Cara Jennings so she and her anarchist buddies knows how you feel!
