Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Candidate Wingo

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It was only a few months ago--this is worth a look:

Ethics Commission Finds Against Oel Wingo, ex-Palm Coast Deputy Manager, on Various Charges

Perhaps the Range Riders and our HR Director can explain this.


  1. Thanks for posting facts Lynn.

  2. How do you spell MARGOLIES?

  3. Dear GOD!!! Thanks Lynn for uncovering ANOTHER FUC$ING REJECT that wants to SCREW Lake Worth!!!!These pigs just roam from town to town until someone finally gets wise!(knowing how messed up and corrupt Lake Worth is ,we'll probably end up with this witch-or Joe Kroll!)

  4. How many times do you think Stanton did the same thing, Only she never got caught? Where is the IA?

  5. According to the backup material, this "outstanding" applicant was on the short list provided by both Range Riders and the HR Director. If all three of these "experts" thinks Wingo is qualified, why should we question them? Weren't the Range Riders brought to the city by Margoles?

  6. She sounds just like Susan Stanton.
    However, Ms. Stanton had 3 votes on the commission,To retain her,so it took over two years to dump her.

  7. The Range Riders and the HR Director were only directed to look at the qualifications--not to do background checks, etc. Per the resumes, she fell into the criteria. Once applicants are chosen, background checks, etc. will be done.

  8. Way to put the cart before the horse.
    No one would know if you did a quick google check before submitting someone's name for consideration. It sure saves you from looking like an idiot when you are called out for something like this.

  9. Anonymous (Lauren) above in answer to your question on Kathleen Margoles-Perhaps now you can stop your rumor.

    Ms. Anderson:

    No. I was contacted by Mr. Carr and Mr. Farrington after Ms. Stanton was released from the City. I explained to them that the City Commission would have to agree to engage the services of the Range Rider Program, which the City Commission subsequently authorized.

    Thank you,


    Kurt Bressner
    561-436-2328 (Cell)
    Sent from my iPad

  10. Lynn, there is no rumor. Mr. Carr and Mr. Farrington may have been the City representatives who called, emailed, etc Mr. Bressner. How did the City Commission learn about Mr. Bressner and the Range Rider program in order to instruct Mr. Carr and Mr. Farrington to contact them? The answer is Kathleen Margoles. Just go to the 4 hour and 47 minute mark on the audio for the December 6th Commission meeting for the proof.
