Thursday, February 23, 2012

Allen West Town Hall Meeting Friday

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Allen West Town Hall Meeting

Friday, February 24th
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
First Baptist Church
1101 South Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL

Cara Jennings is still up to her stalking tricks. This is her latest e-mail:

Tell Allen West he is
"Full of Hot Air'!
Friday, February 24th from 2:30 - 3:30

at his West Palm Beach Town Hall Forum at
First Baptist Church; 1101 S. Flagler Dr, Downtown WPB

As unemployment balloons, Allen West voted to cut off unemployment benefits.

As income inequality balloons, he pushes for more tax breaks for the richest corporations.

Join us as we fly "Allen West is Full of Hot Air" balloons outside his West Palm Beach town hall forum. Help us remind Mr. West that we do not agree with his support of the 1% over the 99%!

We will have plenty of balloons with the "Allen West is Full of Hot Air" design, so stop on by.


  1. I do not agree with political events being held at churches regardless of the politician or party. I think that there needs to be a clear separation.

    Furthermore, I find it disgusting when I am at church trying to pray and feel like I am at a political rally. That's just my opinion.

  2. Most of our voting precincts in Lake Worth are held in churches.

    I remember when Scott Maxwell got very political on the cost of electricity here and held a town meeting at a local church.

    Churches have the room for large crowds. I think we can all separate our feelings from a religious sermon and other meetings held in churches. Most churches are poor and need the revenue from these events.

  3. Where in the Constitution is that "separate" phrase anyway?
