Monday, February 20, 2012

Allen West hires Strategist Chris LaCivita

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The Republican Party is expecting a vicious campaign to defeat Allen West. Democrats can't stand that West defeated their boy only a few years ago. What better person is there to hire than a war hero to help another war hero and who is a top political strategist than 46 year old Chris LaCivita. He has been hired by the Allen West campaign to help against any sort of Democrat personal attack ads that are expected in this upcoming election and a congressional seat that the Democrats are desperate to win back by any means possible.

If there is any campaign strategist out there who knows all the political tricks of the trade that are used against opponents, it is LcCivita. He has a remarkable record for turning campaigns around and producing winners. He will be helping West mitigate any personal attacks that will come.

He was national political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee(2002 and 2010); chief strategist for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (2004). The term "swiftboating" or "Swift Boating" is now commonly used to refer to a severe political attack of a personal nature, or even a harsh attack on a candidate's policies. This campaign will be just as brutal, if not more so, and as mean as the last election that West went through with Ron Klein who pulled every dirty trick in the book to defeat West.

He ran the American Issues Project, a nonprofit political action group (2008); political consultant to the United States Chamber of Commerce; executive director for the Republican Party of Virginia (1996-1999); political director for Gov. George Allen and assistant secretary of administration under Allen (1994-1996).

Among LaCivita's major campaigns:

1991 – George Allen for U.S. House (won)

1993 – George Allen for governor (won)

2000 – George Allen for Senate (won)

2004 – Bob Schaffer for Senate (Colo.) (lost GOP primary)

2004 – Matt Blunt for governor (Mo.) (won)

2006 – Vern Buchanan for U.S. House (Fla.) (won)

2006 – George Allen for Senate (lost)

2006 – Bob Corker for Senate (Tenn.) (won)

2009 – Ken Cuccinelli for attorney general (won)

2010 – Robert Hurt for U.S. House (won)

2010 – Scott Rigell for U.S. House (won)

2010 – Ed Martin for U.S. House (Mo.) (lost)

Source: Times Dispatch


  1. If West is so great why would he need to hire a strategist? Any viscous mudslinging wouldn't stick if it wasn't true, right?
    Maybe he's hiring a strategist for help with all the stupid things West has said over the past year.
    Did LaCivita work for the same George Allen that used a racial slur against an Indian journalist a few years ago, ending his political career? West should save his money because he's going to lose the next election and he knows it.

  2. Negative attack ads and mudslinging does work. You are a prime example of that.
