Saturday, February 11, 2012

Abraham Lincoln - 203 years today

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Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday, born February 12, 1809.

It's mind boggling when you think about it. The War Between the States remains the deadliest war in American history resulting in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and many civilian casualties whose count has never been determined. 25 states remained with the Union and 11 states declared secession to become The Confederacy which started the war.

To even imagine a war that killed that many Americans on American soil is incredible. Abraham Lincoln consistently made preserving the Union the central goal of the war, though he increasingly saw slavery as a crucial issue and made ending it an additional goal. source: Wikipedia

I was reminded of his birthday as I just finished the book by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, Killing Lincoln. This is one of those books that you don't want to put down.


  1. You may also want to read the book titled Lincoln Unmasked. Changed my view forever of American History that is taught in schools.

  2. The book with falsehoods in it.

  3. Well, the book is interesting, written as a novel and the authors interpretation or belief as to what someone might have been thinking as the plot unfolds with the various characters. Anything written in this style will never be 100% accurate. It is not a conventional form for an historical book but rather poetic license and well done. Everyone will like this book. What facts are inaccurate?

  4. Lynn I thought you were both born on the same year

  5. You've been dying to post that so there it is anonymous! Hope it made your day. :)
