Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reminder - Walkathon to Aid Haitian Earth Quake Victims TODAY

Comment Up

A representative of the Haitian American community spoke during public commentary bringing awareness to the Walkathon to aid Haitian quake victims.

Registration will be at 7am this Saturday, January 14, at the Lake Worth City Hall. They expect thousands to walk from City Hall to the beach and raise money for the planting of 300,000 fruit trees in Haiti. The number is representative of all those who lost their lives in the earth quake.

For further information or how to write your check, call, 561-598-3864 or 855-4288.


  1. Interesting hair.

  2. That is the most conservative hair style I have seen on Solusa in the 3 years I have known him.
    In addition to his Hatian Fund Raising activities, Solusa has dramatically increased participation of youth in soccer programs throughout Palm Beach County.

  3. This is great we can all join forces to work together and help our brothers in need. I wish we just had one world where we could be like birds without passports and visas to go anywhere. We really are all brothers and sisters of God in this world. We need to help all when in need and unite. I like the quote by Einstein about war too, we need to rise above all and work as one world power, not nations against nations, I don't think God wanted it the way man has made it:

    "May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!" Albert Einstein 1879-1955

    I am glad we in Lake Worth are thinking more worldly.

  4. I like this Einstein quote too:

    "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

    So true here!

  5. Its nice he is trying to help his country but I think the US citizens have given them enough. Plant new trees and the next hurricane will ruin them again.

  6. Richard sounds like a nasty piece of work.

  7. Lazyland you are the piece of work.
    You can give to the needy but you better take care of yourself and country first.
    We keep giving to countries that hate us. They only like us because we give them millions. You can give them your time by physically helping. Donations and the amount that actually is given and gets to those in need is the problem.Somebody is always going to have their hand in it and taking most of it. Probably some of the leaders in those countries.

  8. Lazyland did you fight for your country and give of yourself. I doubt it.
