Friday, January 27, 2012

Shuffleboarding in Lake Worth - Tourism and Tournaments

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The room soon filled after this shot was taken. Willie Howard of the PB Post was there covering the meeting.

Juan Ruiz put on the best meeting that I have attended in a very long time. It was productive, non-political, friendly, and citizens with great ideas for our Shuffleboard Court Building and a few not so great such as inferring that we need to "get with the times." Shuffleboarding may not be popular at the moment in Lake Worth due to factors beyond the control of those who were involved in the sport at our courts, but it can be again and it can draw in many people who will spend money in our City. With the correct facility and the correct marketing, I believe that this can be a money-maker for tourism and tournaments.

With about 30-35 or so in attendance, not one person wanted to eliminate our shuffleboard courts in their entirety but rather, keep them and preserve our history. There was a difference of opinion on whether to save all of the courts (28) as needed for national tournaments or only saving half of them thus reducing our exposure to only local and regional tournaments. At a show of hands of the 26 people who remained, the direction was nearly evenly divided. When all 28 courts are not in use for big tournaments, they can be covered and the space used for other things. Once we remove courts, we will never get them back...sort of like our police and fire.

Shuffleboarding is thought of as a sport for the nearly dead. That is a myth. It is a recreation for all ages. Here in Lake Worth we have a unique opportunity to restore our courts (the same price as demolition) and become a destination on the east coast of the country in a city on the Atlantic Ocean. Cities that offer recreation are always more desirable than those that do not. We already have a beautiful 18 hole golf course and at present, our Casino is being rebuilt to the glory of yesteryear. Our beach redevelopment is still under plan as well as our artist focus. We could put together a great marketing effort for all of our assets including recreation within our City and a special emphasis on attracting shuffleboard tournaments. As the sport grows here, so will the interest around the country and the globe. Can you imagine a better city to visit for recreational and cultural fun than Lake Worth and to be known nationally for our shuffleboard tournaments, drawing people from all over the world.

Children who live by already have school recreation and programs in effect. Adults do not. Our Recreation Department offers children on-going programs like Youth Basketball, Sports Camps,Tennis lessons, Football, Baseball, Softball and Soccer. Swimming lessons are offered in the summer at the Municipal swimming pool.

I don't have a problem with children playing shuffleboard but it must be supervised and specific rules put into effect. The purpose of this building is not to become a teen-town or a place for kids to hang-out. I would like to see those in charge of the Shuffleboard Court Building making conservative decisions when it comes to its uses. I do not want to see our building going down the same path to destruction that it did just a few short years ago. Envisioning tournaments between schools, neighborhood associations, local and county meets as well as national shuffleboarding is exciting to contemplate. It can get done. National meets will put this city on the map and we already have the required amount of courts to do this. We have a volunteer Recreation Board that can get truly involved with this idea.

Right now we have something unique right in the palms of our hands--our own nationally required amount of courts and with grant money, we can refurbish them for a small investment that will bring great rewards in the future.

The only Commissioner who attended was Christopher McVoy.


  1. The Shuffleboard Club of St. Pete has shown that the game can still be relevant in the 21st century.

  2. This is very desirable for all those retirees who move here with a lot of disposable income.

  3. OK.... I'd like to challenge all you supporters to a "shuffle off".

  4. Right on. Let's give it back to the illegals.

  5. "As the sport grows here, so will the interest around the country and the globe".
    Do you realize what you just wrote?
    That's equivalent to your BCE, BCME claims. WOW!

  6. Do you have any vision at all? Or do you live in a little box?

  7. you didn't do a blog on Boynton beach mayor so-
    why did it take so long to bust him , he is a piece of shit , he has a long history .. and they need to bust the rest of the corruption in Boynton government it been out of control for a long time , ex- mayor Jerry Taylor included.

  8. Where the shuffleboard court is now isnt the best place.It should never have been built there. Very bad area besides the RR tracks and traffic. Not that many play that sport anymore.To upgrade it and maintain it would cost to much. Liabilty expense. Maybe the Bryant Park area would be better. Close to the lake, nice view and the Band Shell. Close down the boat ramp. How many actual residence use the boat ramp? My guess, not that many. Down size the amount of courts. 10 would be enough for now. If they want to play soccer let them use sunset ridge park.

  9. We have many assets that are used in this city. Our boat ramp is one that is convenient for all those who want to come to LW. It is an amenity that we offer. Shuffleboarding is most definitely played. Maintenance on the courts is not that expensive IF you take care of them. We have 4 courts where I live and we spend a little bit of money every 3 years or so. Where the building is situated is just fine. It has been there for over 6 decades with all of our courts. The entire corridor west of the RR tracks is on the plan to develop, in the future, as a government center. Those wishing to play in a tournament can get off at the station and have a short walk. It will be very active. To bring in tourism, I believe that we need a national court standard of 28 that we have.
    Thanks for your perspective.

  10. I don't agree with you very often, but you are right on the 28 court standard. If we are going to keep the shuffleboard courts, we should be able to have national tournaments to make them a viable destination.

  11. I get that now and then--I don't agree with you but.........however, they never give specifics. What precisely do you not agree with me about?
    The RO?
    The fire assessment?
    Kicking Greater Bay off our beach?
    The deplorable action of a past commisison allowing Sun Recycling on our landfill?
    The rash decision to fire the CM?

  12. at 10:11, are you as Socialist, an anarchist, open border person who loves illegal immigration. Is that what your problem is?
