Monday, January 16, 2012

Residential Refuse Pick-Ups Lake Worth

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Someone sent me an e-mail regarding waste pick-up and the fact that the City is not mailing out correct information to customers who live in condos and apartment buildings.

I received in the mail this week, as I'm sure EVERY LW utility customer did, a flier from our Refuse Division. The flier does a nice job of outlining the schedule for residential refuse pickup in LW. One problem I have with the flier is that it's information does not pertain to commercial customers. I, along with thousands of other LW residents that reside in condo or apartments, am considered a commercial customer. My refuse schedule is completely different from that of residential customers. I wonder what how many $$$ these useless fliers cost for printing and mailing. Could it be that the fliers were printed/mailed by the Refuse Division for job security reasons, as the fliers that I received are now in the 'bin.' How about mailing a flier to commercial customers with pertinent schedule information?
Just my 2 pennies.
Have a nice day.

Now the brochure that I have in my possession seems to be correct for Zone 1 where I live. However, it does not make the distinction for bulk pick-up for commercial accounts (condos and apartment buildings included here) as the instructions are for residential customers who live in houses only. I did not get this schedule that the writer received with my last utility bill.

I spoke about this a year ago in front of the commission when Joe Kroll was in charge. Nothing ever got changed. Consequently, we still have people in the condo communities that just don't understand that this information is for those customers who live in houses only and therefore some get confused and put mattresses, etc. out by the road on Lake Osborne blighting the community. In fact, they should be putting out bulk by the dumpster the night before for bulk pick-up day.

If more people speak out, perhaps, eventually, the correct instructions will be given to residential buildings that are treated as commercial accounts. Jaime Brown took over for Joe Kroll and he might be unaware of this flier and its instructions. Perhaps Steve O'Neal is not aware either. Joe Kroll should have been.


  1. the biggest problem with Kroll is that he had too much responsibility. He couldn't handle what he did have. can't imagine him being a city mgr as that job entails everything happening in the city. poor Joe. He will be kissing a lot of azz.

  2. A bigger question is do we really need three or four pick ups a week?

    We have two residential refuse pick ups, we have recycle once a week and yard once a week and bulk once a month.

    Do we really need so many pick ups a week, could we save money by dropping one of the refuse pick ups or moving to every other week for yard or recycling.
