Friday, January 20, 2012

The Mayor

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  1. The hair is too long to by the Mayor. This looks more like Commissioner Mulvehill.

  2. This quote 100% belongs to Pam Triolo.

  3. Suzanne is not into bull.

  4. It sure isn't her first mistake either.

  5. Pam Triolo was encouraged to run by Greg Rice. She had never held elected office before. This is her first rodeo.

  6. There are many people encouraged to run for office.

    I am encouraged by what I see in Pam. She's no wilting lily. Maybe she flies off the handle a little, but not even as much as our last Mayor did and she's nowhere near as unstable as our past city manager.

    Why haven't we hired an Internal Auditor yet!?!?

    The lame excuse for waiting for after the holidays is grinding now.

    This commission needs to hire this position before the new city manager gets here. To re-establish the pecking order and ensure transparency.


  7. The new positions were delayed and will be discussed on Jan 24 where they try to cut the budget so the fire and street light assessments can be eradicated.

    If Rachel Waterman had conducted herself the way that Pam Triolo has as well as passing the gavel 3 times now, overturning votes from earlier in the evening,etc., she would have been screamed at by the vocal dozen. This is an unheard if action and she is taking advantage of some crappy advice.

  8. Susan Stanton always acted pleasant and professional while on the dais.

  9. only two gavel tosses!

  10. Did someone say former CM Stanton always acted professionaly on the dais? What is professional about laying your head down on your arm that is stretched across the dais? What is professional about leaning back in your chair and closing your eyes for an extended period while discussion is going on?

  11. Are you sure that you are not talking about the vice mayor?

  12. Lynn, why do you defend Stanton so much now? Prior to her being fired, you wrote a lot of nasty stuff on this blog about her. I just don't get you? Is it all about sensationalizing everything on this blog for your readers or what? Are you just trying to get a rise out of many of us on here and that is why you always like to say just the opposite of the others on here? I am confused by you quite often. What is the truth?

  13. Dear Confused:
    So many people are confused in Lake Worth. They listen to poltiicians bloviating and people on the dais and their friends with personal agendas.

    I did not agree with Stanton on everything. That does not mean it was "nasty." However, I have always said, the Commisison took the cowardly way out and lied to those who helped get them elected by firing Stanton when Triolo and Amoroso said they would NOT do that.

    Sorry you can't handle facts. I write on facts, good or bad. I would appreciate it if you would turn into one of the people who actually "get it" in this City rahter than, as Rachel would say, one of the "haters" or someone jsut twisiting the truth here. The next time you write something like the above, it does not get posted unless yu post under your real name and I know you. Take your silly stuff to Wes' blog. Thanks.

  14. To the other poster who jist came on are not allowed to say someone has mental problems unless, of coruse, you can prove that. It is slanderous. So take it where the sun don't shine fella.
