Saturday, January 14, 2012

Martin Luther King in Lake Worth

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Abraham Lincoln doesn't get his own day anymore. Neither does the Father of our Country, George Washington. Washington and Lincoln no longer have holidays -- they share the generic-sounding "President's Day."

But Martin Luther King has a national holiday declared in his honor, a day not accorded to any other American. Kids jump for joy as they are out of school. The South Florida Fair--don't go there on Monday--full of kids getting educated on the roller coaster and eating cotton candy.

Don't you think one day of recognition is enough for Martin Luther King or sufficient time to honor any person for that matter? Not in Lake Worth. There will be three days for Martin--Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We will get to see Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell carrying on the Retha Lowe tradition-- marching, playing, praying, eating and ending up at the First Baptist Church for more eating and praying.

Although this holiday in the past has been a spastic frenzy of adulation by the media for the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it has been more subdued this year. However, some in Lake Worth are celebrating and celebrating. I have a dream that some day those living in this city will cease over-reacting to just about everything.

Saturday, January 14, 4-5:30pm
Spirituality of Nonviolence: Reviving the Legacy
Friends Quaker Meeting House, 823 N. A St

Sunday, January 15, 3pm
Of Ebony Embers (Musical Drama)
St Andrews Episcopal Church

Monday, January 16, 7:30-9:30am
Interfaith Prayer Breakfast
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Lucerne Ave & Palmway

Candelight March, 5pm
Lake Worth City Hall
March through downtown Lake Worth

MLK Awards Program 5:30pm
Cultural Plaza

MLK Fellowship Dinner, 6-8pm
First Baptist Church
M St & 2nd ave.


  1. "I have a dream that some day those living in this city will cease over-reacting to just about everything."

    Well said and you said it!

  2. Ms. Lynn, I seldom support your position in matters involving LW, however, I want to thank you for the courage you have displayed in posting the truth around de celebration we are about to undertake. No longer we pay tribute to those who have contributed to the betterment of all, but we do selcet to honor and pay homage to those who represent screaming minorities. We, as a nation, have forgatten what the word American means, instead we continue to divide and conquer in order to manipulate particular groups of people.

  3. Wasn't he a fornicator?

  4. A national holiday for King was all political. Public pressure for the holiday mounted during the 1982 and 1983 civil rights marches in Washington.

  5. All humans will disappoint sooner or later. At least we still celebrate the birth of Christ, Jesus Christ, as long as they do not take this away from us, the birthday of our Lord, this is the most important holiday to celebrate as far as I am concerned. He is the only one we should celebrate and worship!

  6. Let's allow everyone to celebrate their religion on their own time. Read the quran and you will see that religion can be evil.

  7. The Quran, Bible, and Torah are ALL written by man and some parts are the same in all three, written by man, men who believed certain beliefs thousands of years ago. You can not take any of them literally, only God, the God, Emmanuel, the God with us, we all know what is right or wrong. All these holy books may have some truth and words from God, but most is from man, written by man, and we always need to be careful of that, when I see the couple up at the beach daily preaching to us all about the Bible, they are Bible literates, they take it literally, that is not healthy, they judge others and act superior, God does not want that or for us to make others feel that way. Man will always disappoint us, but God never will, He is the only one you can trust and believe in. Do you have faith?

  8. I never put any other human being on a pedestal, not a policeman, priest, teacher, lawyer, rabbi, prostitute, football star, judge, president, mayor, city manager, rock singer, model, actor, NO ONE! Only God should be celebrated and while Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, and Father Damien, all were real models for all of, humans will always disappoint. God is the only one who will not, He knows what is best for all of us, we need to put our faith only in Him.
