Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lake Worth Chamber gets "deal" to settle debt

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Several prominent and/or political members of the community came to a city commission meeting in support of the Chamber of Commerce that owed the city money: former Commissioner Dave Vespo, Greg Rice and even Betty Resch, former city attorney were a few who were present. Some wanted the City to reduce the amount of money owed, others were just there as members in support of their "club."

The Chamber has always been a contentious subject. In past years, the local Chamber delved into local politics taking sides on candidates and issues. One of its past directors always was asking the city or the CRA for money for this or that event, usually getting it until Susan Stanton came on board. The Chamber got so weak that the Downtown Cultural Alliance was formed to help the merchants. It got weaker still when it settled for a lot of money with former director Tom Ramiccio.

A few weeks ago, the Lake Worth Commission abrogated its power once again because of politics. The Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce owed us $10,662.83 that included a "missing" golf cart. The commission directed the acting city manager to settle with the Chamber at 50 cents on the dollar because it was a debt under $15,000 and the acting city manager had "the right" to do that.

The city commission pushed off the hot political potato and took the easy way out. No one on the dais did the right thing. No one stood up for principle. No one stood up for the taxpayer once again. They settled with a political organization. They were watching out for friends. They were watching out for themselves.


  1. Powerful and accusatory words, but where are the facts?

  2. Where have you been? Living in a vacuum? You wouldn't know a fact if you tripped over one.

  3. Wow, such hostility over a simple question! We saw the information staff provided regarding the Chamber, but we never saw any documents the Chamber might have had. The decision was left up to Mr. Carr and I cannot believe he would have changed his accounting without proper justification.

  4. Your question was not a "simple" question. Obviously you know what I think of it. Mr. Carr did not change his accounting. He settled with the Chamber just like he "settled" with Becky Mattey to stay on (after she resigned) for another 3 months at twice her normal salary. We continue to give away money and other assets in our city. It needs to stop.

  5. The Chamber of Commerce is a muti billion dollar political entity with tenticles throughout the world.They should be able to help one of their own!!!! Hey, city manager-can you please reduce my families electric bill-a citizen debt to the city?!?When the citizens ask for anything the mantra is "We're broke!" I guess the difference is that the Chamber is a political entity that can grease staff palms under the table.anything to help scew the citizens. DISGUSTING!!!!

  6. Triolo was elected to do favors for her friends at the Chamber. She doesn't care about the taxpayers. Hey Witch-return a friggin phone call-oh I'm not with the Chamber so I guess I'm out of LUCK!

  7. Who are Triolo's friends at the chamber? Please tell us. Do you really believe that 1500 or 1600 or whatever the number of residents that voted for Triolo ALL worked or were affiliated with the chamber?
    So the chamber "can grease staff palms under the table". Strong accusations. Do you have any proof? Or are you just throwing round false accusations?
    Still talking about Stanton? It's been 3 months.

  8. You are the one who is weird anony at 12:03. You keep talking about Stanton. I can talk about anything I want. There is mucho corruption in this city. The city now is not better off than it was before. Any corporation that is political and that has the money that the Chamber has certainly can "grease" just about anyone.

  9. Pam Triolo 52.66% 1,585
    Rachel Waterman 45.35% 1,365
    Dustin A. Zacks 1.99% 60

    So, again, IF Waterman had pulled 111 votes away from Triolo, things would be different in this city. Do not get too arrogant over 111 votes.

  10. As this item was being shoved aside by the majority, Mulvehill looked at Steve Carr and said something to him about collecting "the full amount" and Carr said he would. So if he did not, it's because he was told by the majority (behind closed doors) to make a deal and walk away.
    So, one commissioner was doing the right thing, Lynn.

  11. All I see here is speculation. If the Chamber had documentation of payments that the City could not find, then the amount collected would be reduced. And don't go into how the City has all the proper documentation or we can talk about the $2 million the City might have to pay FEMA because it CANNOT procude the proper documents.

  12. FEMA, one thing you can't blame on Stanton, or can you? She probably lost all of the invoices.

  13. BUT Waterman did not win the election and you need to get over it. What ifs, could haves, should haves, etc don't matter one bit. Pam Triolo WON the election and is the Mayor of Lake Worth.

    Bet this comment won't get posted either because you can't stand being called out!

  14. Who says that the city can't produce documentation? You?

  15. Don't keep on trying to bait me anonymous. You are sounding shrill.
