Friday, January 13, 2012

Interim City Manager Resumes for Lake Worth

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Previously, two resumes of top potential city managers have been highlighted here. Today I present the third highlights of qualifications for

Paul D. White

ICMA member since 1992

MPA- Master, Public Administration and City Management, Howard University of Business
BA- Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science, Morehouse College

City Manager Experience
Gainesville, Fl
Lincoln Heights, Ohio

Assistant City Manager Experience
Riviera Beach, FL
Gainesville, Fl

Private Sector experience
PDWA Management Consultants
Regional V.P. Insituform Technologies, Inc.
Executive Director Atlanta Empowerment Zone Corporation
Director National Development Council


  1. So far, they seem pretty impressive and we didn't even have to spend $20,000 for a head hunter.

  2. If Stanton is so well qualified like you say, she should submit her resume and they would have to hire her.... right?

  3. Now that the Ranger Rider says that an Interim can also be a permanent city manager, (I'm not sure that the Commission has agreed to this) I have now highlighted 3 that I think are excellent. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the commission will find someone to their liking and that we can get on with business. For heaven sakes, make sure that they went to Charm School. :)

  4. Traits a good City Manager should exhibit:
    1. Self Starter
    2. Integrity and Trustworthiness
    3. Be a team player
    4. Great customer skills
    5. Ability to bring conflicts to resolution
    6. Know/understand the industry of city goverment
    7. Ability to remain calm
    8. Dependable
    9. Have an optimistic attitude
    10. Leadership Skills (Confidence)

    Based on popular opinion, the past CM only exhibited 4 out of 10.

  5. I would give it 7 based on what you say they should have. A team player? She is the one who was building the team. She was the one who had to lay-off people so that your taxes would not jump. She was the boss so I don't think she has to be a "team player." She does, have to respect the employees. If not, she needs to replace them. She replaced many. Some should have been gone long before they left or gave notice. As the boss, she knows who is performing and who is not.

  6. Which 4? Who comprises the popular opinion.

  7. From my perspective a good manager, along with many other trait elements, must have "good luck". Without it, the highest level of achievement will be "existence".

  8. I don't know about all these traits being the determining factor Lynn. It would seem to me that they would be hard to quantify and subject to the personalities and experiences of whoever is doing the rating.
    Maybe checking references and verifying work accomplishments ought to be primary considerations.
    Any thoughts?

  9. This guy's resume looks good, however without checking there is no way to determine. It will be up to the Range Riders and our HR to do all fo that. It will boil down to the one-on-one interview and asking the tough questions.
