Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Glenn Beck Supports Ron Paul against Progressives

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  1. Birds of a feather: Beck, Paul and Don and Derek Black.

  2. Hardly Steve. Did you listen to what Beck said?

  3. Beck is insane. I can't imagine that anyone with a brain would acutally agree with him.

  4. How do you know that he is insane? Are you his doctor? Sounds like it is you who needs a doctor.

  5. I'm a well educated person who follows politics and talking heads. Beck is a loon. My advice to you is to watch Washington Journal at the very least.

  6. Anyone else notice Ron Paul is always at 22%...hummm

    ...and how the entire establishment, R and L were all ignoring him (Jon Stewart called him the 13th floor of politics!), then saying he's "Unelectable" and now are tearing him up? So what's next?


    “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
    Mahatma Gandhi

    So I agree with Glenn then because
    I choose Freedom and will defend it every chance I get!

    Go Ron Paul!

  7. It is all about staying positive, are all of them doing this? If you choose freedom then will you support it for all? So gays should have all the same rights to marry and have all the same eligible rights that heterosexuals have then too right? Gays are not free yet in the USA, as they do not have all the same rights. It would be a positive move if all our leaders worked toward this if they believe in freedom for "ALL" and a separation of church and state, you will then see who are the real hypocrites. It will all happen some day soon! It is the right thing and the fair thing to do.

  8. Dear Anon 10:02
    I am very verbal about how we allow Government to permit us to marry.

    NO Permits are necessary!

    Who is the Government to permit you to love or not to love someone and be committed to them?

    Get that fixed 1st then a lot of problems take care of themselves, no?

    Now about civil union v Marriage in a church; I would defend freedom of religion and say find a church that is open to marry you.
    Forcing them to marry you by law may be just as bad as NOT allowing you to at least a civil commitment ceremony!

    And all this will be a moot point as Agenda 21 is implemented we will continue to regress and loose freedoms - NOT gain them. The same thing is happening all over the US and World at the same time

    Pay attention LW or Pay the Price!

