Saturday, January 7, 2012

GE moved healthcare unit to China

I vaguely recall this but BarbaraJean reminded me. This is the sort of thing that "gets me" about Obama--The next time liberals and Obama accuse Bush and Republicans of shipping jobs overseas, remember this General Electric brief press release of July.

"General Electric Co.’s health care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing.“A handful’’ of top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, said Anne LeGrand, general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare. The headquarters will move from Wisconsin amid a broader plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation’’ and development centers.

The division should have “double-digit’’ growth rates as the country converts from film and analog to digital X-ray technology, LeGrand said."

As one person said,

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt (our president's friend and member of his jobs creation council) is closing the X Ray plant in Wisconsin and moving it to Beijing, China....only a handful of the employees will move to China and the rest of the hundreds of workers will join the ranks of the unemployed. Someone should have clarified that the jobs creation council was to create jobs here in the USA, not in China!

Remember GE paid zero taxes last year....Immelt is the same guy behind the ridiculous light bulb scam; wanting to ban standard bulbs and only allow the spiral ones which he would make in China.

Read about Immelt's Obama Cabinet position and more corruption in the Whitehouse.

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