Thursday, January 19, 2012

City Manager Resumes

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For the week ending January 13, the City received 13 resumes. That makes 43 to date.

Is there a CUT-OFF date for city manager resumes? Just checking, as it seems there was NO CUT-OFF date for beach leases.

Top 8 Resumes:

D Sugerman...55
P White...46
R Hudnall...45
F Spence...42
R Kerbel...40
J Kroll...40
C Pilgrim...39
D Stepan...38


  1. I am so glad we are finally moving forward with getting a new city manager. The last one was so hostile toward so many of us, I am not sure why that was, but it will be a breath of fresh air when we have someone who really cares about us and our city.

  2. I'm the other Helen. Don't kid yourself, HELL. Susan did care about this city and she was always nice to me.
    Helen M

  3. Helen M, maybe she cared about you, but not all of us experienced your way, you were lucky dear.

  4. I guess she wasn't nice to the three comm who voted to terminate her or all the people that voted these elected officials in that wanted her gone. Would really like to know the true stats, if we could ever generate them on what percent of the public wanted Stanton fired. Speaking to so many around town, I heard more say they didn't have good dealings with her or like her hostile and condescending ways toward them. Anyway, it is all over, on to a new CM and to a better LW!

  5. Other than the Dirty Dozen and a few terminated employees as well as those in love with Scott Maxwell-- NO ONE with whom I have spoken has ever said that nor implied that. So, it is obvious that we hang in different circles. If it were not for some former employees bad-mouthing Stanton and if it were not for Scott Maxwell undermining her at every opportunity instead of giving her direction, it would have been different. Personally, she is better off out of here and away from weak but loud people who treated her so abominably.
