Friday, January 27, 2012

Baby falls from 2nd floor in Lake Worth

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One year old baby falls from 2nd floor after railing breaks.


  1. Geez, I wonder where the parents were. Probably smoking their medical marjuana.

  2. Richard post 4:29
    very dumb post by you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. very funny post by Richard!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 8:15 post. Dumb post? Well the parents were probably to numb/dumb to even let that child get close to that railing. A one yo. breaks the railing. Must be a nice place they live. If the railing was that rotten that child should never been on that porch. Another case of people having children and not knowing how to watch or care for them. Potheads, idiots, un-educated. Yes, they walk among us.
