Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another Lake Worth Robbery and Stabbing

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Man stabbed on D Street. K-9 units and PBSO helicopters were searching for the two alleged perpetrators.

Do you feel safer?

1 comment:

  1. This is horrible, so sad. We have a really bad element here in this city, our city and the PBSO need to clean it up, it is likely a larger federal issue too, we need ICE here in this city more as well.

    Who was this victim? The victim says the two men that did this were Hispanics, was he Hispanic too, what was his race? Who is he? Can we fined this out, it says he was going to work at 7am in the morning, it would be nice if in the report they said more about the victim.

    We still have a lot of crime here in this city and we need to pray for all that we can get this reduced substantially. While we should never have to live in fear, we need to do more, The PBSO need to be more present in the high crime areas and work on prevention more.
