Thursday, January 5, 2012

2nd Avenue North opens as One Way - Again

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The last screw-up of Joe Kroll's has been resolved, for the moment.

Read about it here.


  1. I posted this before but it is well worth repeating so here goes--Between all the HUGE FU's that Joe Kroll did for the the last few years before he left that have cost the city hundreds of thousands of wasted dollars (and are still costing the city dollars).......... the pool repairs, S Bryant Park and the parking lot, the RR track debacle etc. AND all the wasted dollars because of Rene to have a special election because of his ego AND all the wasted dollars to send SS packing instead of letting her finish her term and using that time to find a replacement with out all the extra extra costs........... All that adds up to almost 1 million dollars wasted in the last 3 to 4 years!! And those are only the things I was paying attention to......... Scary!! Unfortunately our little microcosm mirrors the larger political landscape of individuals whose main interests seem to be driven by their own ego's and, as you say, their need for control!

  2. It's very easy to say that Joe screwed up and cost us hundreds of thousands and now millions but where's the facts. Did Joe really make the decisions you claim? I do know for a fact that Joe did a great job with our recycling contract allowing us to mix materials and getting us a a price per pound that has made the city's waste department profitable. So before you blame everything on Joe you need to look at the big picture. When and if we lose the Greater Bay case you can blame Cara, Mulvehill, McVoy and Golden for costing the city over 10 million dollars. Why don't we make a list of what the bad decisions have cost us.

  3. There are plenty of facts on Mr. Kroll. However, you are posting and perhaps hoping that Greater Bay wins a law suit against the City? Are you one sick SOB? GB did not perform. The Commission, at the time, had Retha Lowe sign a contract she did not read. When you are in bed with crooks, expect fleas. Who do you blame? The entire blame of this entire mess is on the heads of Nadine Burns, David Vespo and Retha Lowe who all voted to give away our beachfront property to Greater Bay back on July 27, 2006. None of them listened to the public. None of them ever even asked for a background check on Greater Bay.

  4. Glad that 2nd ave is back to one way it was stupid move to begin with displacing all that parking and all for one business the vet who is greedy wanting more traffic in our mostly residential neighborhood.
