Monday, December 5, 2011

ROLOH Community Yard Sale

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The yard sale was on four streets in the Residents of Lake Osborne Estates Community: Sunset, Collier, Wright and Moor Drives. I did not stop by until around 10:30 or so and by that time, a lot of stuff was gone.

Robert Waples, President of ROLOH, said that he was out in the yard at 5:30am as people were coming. I got to see Jenny Weed try on a red wig--looked cute. Owners had items ranging from head boards to stuffed animals, from electronics to Christmas Decorations to fabric and household goods!


  1. Thanks Lynn! We did have a great time in Lake Osborne "Heights" on Saturday and enjoyed the company of neighbors and met some new friends.

    Its great to live in such a wonderful neighborhood and do things together :-) Hope everyone in ROLOH Does not forget about the Christmas Parade Next weekend and if you want to walk as in the parade as a ROLOH Member just give me a jingle or an email.

    And on Dec. 17th we have the ROLOH Field Trip to Christmas in Yesteryear Village at the fair grounds! Everyone is invited and we will meet at the entrance at 4:30pm.

    Robert Waples

  2. I have enough of my own garbage. No thanks.

  3. Did they really have any interesting stuff at these yard sales? Look like a bunch of junk tome.
