Monday, November 28, 2011

Whimper Warriors?

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It was exactly 20 days ago that we elected a new mayor and a new Commissioner for District 3. They won on their promises. They won because the voters wanted anyone elected who would not be a rubber stamp for the city manager. We wanted to end the complaining and do something about it. They won because there was resident uproar for grabbing the cash in a fire assessment bill that was to pay outrageous and run-away fire pension costs or so we were told. Actually it was being dumped into the general fund. It was implemented in order to tax all of us for anything in the future that the city could get away with when it needed funds. They won on the idea of less spending and stopping the waste.

Mayor Pam Triolo said that she would work to eliminate the fire assessment and all planned assessments by reducing the budget through "My comprehensive plan where I have already identified over $2 million dollars in unnecessary spending." Commissioner Amoroso said, "I will fight to cut taxes and unnecessary fees."

In today's Palm Beach Post it states that Mayor Triolo remains "hopeful" that the assessment can be eliminated. Amoroso says he needs more time to figure it all out. That does not sound like "fighting" to me.

Reward departments for coming under budget. Don't move the funds around just to spend them somewhere else. Do not continue to waive bids. Stop the spending. Stop the waste and slow the growth of government. We can do without these new positions in their entirety other than the Internal Auditor.

The number of NEW positions added to the budget.
Economic Development Manager
Sustainability Manager
Community Marketing Coordinator
Events Program Coordinator
Revenue Officer
Internal Auditor (this can be an independent contractor position)

We can do without some capital improvements until the economy improves. Ask the unions to cooperate--well you can at least ask. If they don't comply, outsource the department until such time we can afford these employees. Do what it takes to live within the means of those paying the tab.

Commissioners, do not fall into the same trap that the former commission did with Commissioner Mulvehill to this day saying, "It's becoming clear that it is not possible to eliminate the fire assessment without jeopardizing the future of the city." This is all political rhetoric. The only thing that is clear is that some on the dais didn't learn a thing from the November 8th election. Did Triolo and Amoroso?


  1. I'm sure that they will do the right thing and eliminate the special assessments. I've got my eyes and fingers crossed.
    Ron Exline

  2. LW citizens have been deceived and lied to again. All the topics that they campaigned against and were going to change after they got elected they "forgot." The mayor at the LW Playhouse said that she had a plan to cut the electric rates. How long do we have to wait to find out the plan? What a shame for Lake worth.

  3. You're sure? Great Ron.

  4. Anon at 11:26, switch to decaf and give the newly elected a little time here.
    Your negativity right out of the gate isn't helping anything.

  5. " not possible to eliminate the fire assessment without jeopardizing the future of the city."-REALLY?!? Andy,Pam and Scott,just remember,it's always possible to eliminate you from being a Commissioner!We kicked out Waterman and Golden because of this unnecessary,stealth tax and we can kick you out too!.You ran on the promise of getting rid of it!DO NOT DRINK THE STANTON/STAFF KOOLAIDE!!!

  6. Triolo and Amoroso-Remember,we voted you into office and we can vote you out!

  7. It took years to get rid of the WORST commission ever. At least Mulvehill, Golden and Jennings saved the City $3.5 million by ending the contract with PB Cnty. They all continued on with the Casino, something that was stalled for 2 decades. It was the worst commission ever that wanted to give away our beach park to Greater Bay--one before that wanted to obligate us into spending and paying $19 million on our beach. There are a lot worse out here.

    And it was not anyone of us that made the comments in the PB Post that certainly sounded like the beginning of compromising their campaign promises.

    So, no fools here...just watchful people.
