Friday, November 18, 2011

November 21 Commission Meeting

Comment Up
The Monday City Commission meeting that was voted to be a Workshop has now been changed (from a request by Scott Maxwell) (and agreed to by the Mayor) to a Special Commission Meeting. That means that all the important discussion items can be voted upon. When speaking to one commissioner, he knew nothing about the change from a Workshop (where a vote can not be taken on any agenda item) to a Special meeting (where a vote is taken).

A few highlights:

Hours of Operation at the beach
The hours of operation of each proposed lease has been changed to reflect closing times not to exceed 12am Sunday through Thursday, and 1am on Friday and Saturday for restaurant spaces. Johnny Longboats, of course, dictated the closing times.

Staff also consulted with Dr. Kirt Rusenko, Marine Conservationist for the Sea Turtle Protection program at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton regarding hours of operation and noise levels. He stated normal music inside a facility has less of an impact, if any at all. DID YOU TELL HIM THAT THE WINDOWS WOULD BE OPENED? In response to a request for best practices he replied:
“With regards to hours of operation of the restaurants, closing at 11 PM would be less potentially disruptive than closing at 2 AM. Years ago our lighting ordinance was in effect from 11 PM to sunrise and buildings that had lights on until 11 had almost no hatchling disorientations indicating that nests generally hatch after 11 PM. Although the females do sometimes nest between 9 and 11 during season, the majority of nests found the next morning occur after 11 PM. If people were
restricted to the restaurants and near vicinity but not the beach, there should be far less potential impact on nesting females and emerging hatchlings (that are very easy to step on). A lot of people on the beach at night in any one area will scare nesting females away from the active area. I am guessing that Palm Beach Environmental Resources Management would play a role in the hours of operation of the pier and possibly the restaurants.

Anderson & Carr showed the 2nd floor space to another restaurant today.

NYPD Pizza
They are willing to pay $5 more per s.f. or $30.00 per s.f. on a 10 year lease.

Fox Surf & Lake Worth Tee
Staff has discussed removing exclusivity clauses from the leases with Fox Surf and Beach Shop and Lake Worth Tee Shirt Shop. Fox Surf and Beach Shop is amenable to renegotiating a lease without an exclusivity clause. Mr. Connick, attorney for Barry Freedman, has indicated his client wishes the lease for the new space to contain an exclusivity clause.

The Broker has submitted a Letter of Intent from Kings LLC dba Lake Worth Fashion and Swimwear, a Women’s Fashion and Swimwear Company, for retail space at the Casino at thirty dollars a square foot. The company is interested in either retail space. That could possibly mean that one of our long term tenants could be caught in a squeeze and might not get the space.


  1. Scott sure is in love with himself right about now.

  2. REALLY an expert from Boca Fucking build it Raton. (please edit)

    SCOTT you want a real professional opinion get it from the agencies in Jupiter that REALLY know and understand the truth and who deal with the fall out every day of the week.

    Your drawing a line in the sand Scott. Dare me and we will "dance"


    See you soon Scotty

  3. How come every time there is a renegotiation with a prospective tenant, the rental rate goes up?
    What is the true rate for the Casino?

  4. It is unfortunate that the broker is pitting one prospective tenant against another. Our original tenants got the right of first refusal. They were not supposed to get into a yoyo game.

  5. To the anon at 11:54 pm. I do not appreciate your tone concerning a commissioner who has faithfully represented me for years now. Please allow me to cut in!

  6. Scott has been asking the City Manager for the true numbers on the Casino project for some time. Of course, nothing has been provided except a lot of smoke. How can the City Commission execute any leases if we do not know whether or not the rents proposed by the broker will cover the costs? The project was not supposed to cost the residents of Lake Worth anything. For that to happen, the revenues from the Casino building must cover all expenses.

  7. The projected revenues (projected BECAUSE there are not yet signed leases and NO ONE HAS PAID A DIME) HAVE BEEN PRESENTED AT LEAST ON 3 OCCASIONS THAT I WITNESSED. WHERE were you?
