Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let's get high with Jeff Clemens on Medical Marijuana

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  1. Duude, Like MJ is really for medical stuff and all that. I suffer from cronic pain from all my skate board accidents and stuff like that.

    So think about the job creation thing that this would help cause now we would need to grow the MJ plants to be sold so all the suffering skate boarders could really feel better.

    OH like not just the skate boarders but all the elderly who have trouble walking, this will calm their tremors down so they could like walk and stuff and people that have really bad dreams this would keep them from like having these dreams and get better sleep so they would not have all that obesity problems you hear about on the tv all the time.

    Oh and so like the second hand smoke could then help all the other people in the apartment where I live so they to would be abel to like keep a better steady job and stuff.

    (Paid for by the supporters of Medical Marijuana Agency on Health and Aging Authority) Any resemblence to real life people is simply coincidental and is not endorsed by your House Rep Oh yea it is.

  2. Dude--you sound like you are in a lot of pain right now. Ever think about giving up skate boarding for water boarding?

  3. Yeah Dude, let's everyone get stoned. hahahahahaha

  4. Mr. Clemens appears to be holding in his left hand the last part of whatever he was drawing on; all the while waiting to exhale. Is he testing his idea?
