Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lake Worth Vets Throw their Own parade

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Newly elected commissioner Andy Amoroso says it needs to happen next time. "'s sad that we have nothing in Lake Worth for our veterans."

Read more at: WPTV.


  1. It is really pathetic that we can't do one thing for Vets.

  2. I am pretty confident that with the new composition on the Dais that this embarrassing apathy on behalf of the previous majority on the commission to ignore commermorating our Veterans will not happen next November God willing. They deserve so much better than what this city has not done for the past three years.

    I was really upset last year that the city collaborated to do a Christmas drag show in the cultural plaza but put zero effort into honoring our Veterans. I spoke out quite loudly against it at the December 2011 commission meeting and I was shunned by former Commissioner Joann Golden for doing so and she lied. For those who were there remember her response: "There is a group that is already organizing next years event for the Veterans and they don't need Mr. Parrilla's help to do so". We would not have the freedom to have Christmas drag shows, or Pridefest, or Hispanicfest if not for the brave men and women who wrote that blank check to the US government. I look forward to Lake Worth having something really special for our Veterans next year to make up for lost time.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  3. Mark, I was there and you are 100% correct! I very clearly remember Golden stating that and guess what? There was no support from the city or former Commissioner Golden this year that measures any where near what we should do to honor our Veterans.

    As a person I respect and love her but as a politician, she just kept on doing what politician's do best and make false gestures.

    Our veterans deserve so much more than this and we need to honor all those who have served in a true Lake Worth Fashion and have a celebration in their honor.

    Dear Commission: Please PLEASE make plans now for next years Veterans Day Celebration! If you can set 20K aside for public grants I think you can find that most will want the same if not those funds to honor our men and women who have served.

    Thank You Mark for standing up for our Veterans!
