Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lake Worth Election Results

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Final Results
220 votes


Mayor - Lake Worth (Vote For 1)
14 of 14 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Pam Triolo 52.66% 1,585
Rachel Waterman 45.35% 1,365
Dustin A. Zacks 1.99% 60

Commissioner Dist # 3 (Vote For 1)
14 of 14 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Andy Amoroso 59.67% 1,774
Jo-Ann Golden 40.33% 1,199


  1. NOw maybe we can get some truth out of Willie H.

  2. So curious, Lynn are you disappointed in the results?

  3. I wish our new commission members good luck at the difficult job they fought hard to earn. I hope they find the solutions as simple as they hoped, and remember that they govern the city for the good of all residents and not just those who are politically active.
    Sam Goodstein

  4. Congratulations to Pam and Andy. Suzanne and Christopher,go ahead and keep listening to the lies that staff,like your city attorney, keep teling you.Keep doing what staff TELLS YOU TO DO instead of WHAT THE PEOPLE NEED YOU TO DO !!!Suzanne and Christopher keep protecting that control freak of a city manager and not protecting your neighborhoods.Rachel and Joann made the mistake of beliveing that Susan Stanton was their boss, not the citizens of lake Worth.So did you. May I officially be the first to say goodbye to Christopher and Suzanne.

  5. There are several problems in LW that have been made worse by the actions and inactions of the current majority on the Commission.
    Now, with competent elected officials, we can form a new majority, we can address:
    1.Spreading blight
    2.The highest Utility Rates in the County
    3.Several Lawsuits
    4.Cost overruns on Casino construction and a Leasing Plan without chance of recovering costs funded by the City’s Cash Portfolio.

    Some real work needs to commence immediately to alleviate these major problems.

  6. Have to say I'm surprised that Waterman was defeated, I guess time will tell if having two new people on the commission will have a positive influence on the direction of LW, you all could use that. I would imagine Stanton will be nervous, she lost her control, may be time to start looking for a new job, that will be interesting to watch.

  7. Hope she (Stanton) is not shredding documents. Maybe the people should ask for a sheriff officer to be posted at her door.

  8. A bright new day has dawned in Lake Worth. We took our City back and now it's time to continue the good works!

    Mark A. Parrilla

  9. Can everybody and everything just settle down. This city needs a healthy attitude from everyone including the citizens. Give things a chance to unfold!

  10. The total vote count released by the City Clerk for the Mayor's race is 2,950. Dustin Zacks' votes are listed, but they were excluded for some reasons or staff can't add. There always seems to be a problem with addition on documents put out by the City.

  11. they can add $60 dollars though
