Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Foreclosure Problem in Community Associations

Message from The Community Association Member Party:

Florida's economy depends on the real estate market - and Florida's real estate market is in the dump. Florida leads the nation in the statistics of all bad categories - from foreclosures, to underwater property, to empty homes and condos. Latest statistics show that foreclosure procedures in Florida's courts take nearly three years. In the meanwhile homeowners and condo owners living in community associations have to pay the bills of their neighbors, causing more owners to default on their own bills.

Reforms are needed in order to stop more families from going bankrupt, defaulting on their bills. If our real estate market doesn't recover - about 50% of all homes and condos are located within community associations - we will never see Florida's economy coming back to normal.

Listen to Milena Macias's arguments and why the C.A.M.P. 2012 Bill is so important for Florida's economy.

Who wants to move into a community association where you are liable to pay your neighbors' bills - or where you need minimum $25,000 in spare change in order to enforce your rights according to Florida statutes?

850 WFTL
Listen on the Internet at: 850WFTL
Studio Call-In Number: 877-850-8585


  1. Here is the real question: Who the H3LL wants to live in any community association ever?!?! The main reason I live in LW is because I do not have an association. They are evil. They are the worst creation of all time. Board members with a falsely inflated sense of power and importance. Neighbors measuring neighbors grass - if it's 2.5 inches, then you get sued. Neighbors telling neighbors who can live with them or visit them - if your family visits and stays longer than 10 days, you get sued. If you drive the wrong car, you get sued. People complain the banks are greedy for foreclosing on unpaid mortgage. At least they actually gave people the money to buy those houses and generally gave hundreds of thousands of dollars. Associations are foreclosing on people for hundreds of dollars and they aren't even providing the services they are charging for. Associations filing foreclosure for just legal fees because someone parked in the wrong parking space or had a broken panel on their fence. You are right, we need a statutory reform of Associations - do away with them altogether. Panioti called LW a police state. Try living in a gated community or condo, now that's a police state.

  2. Well, you certainly stated your position.

    Why not just do away with them because you don't like them? Then all the condo associations around here can become blighted just like the rest of the city and perhaps even your house.

    People here like rules. That is why they buy here.

  3. I think that they should go back to a code on color schemes in the city. Some of these places look grotesque. Set some standards so that our city can look good again. Cut the damn grass and make sure that it isn't a foot high. Enforce all of our Code.

  4. We need tougher rules in this city, not do away with stuff. Are you kidding me? This placve looks like hell freezed over and you want to do away with code?
