Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End the Free Lunch in Lake Worth

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As Commissioner Scott Maxwell will be on one of those "free lunch" excursions, this time to Phoenix for a National League of Cities Economic Development Conference, we will not have the election swearing-in ceremony until Monday, November 14, 2011 at 9:30 AM.

The Economic Development Conference which is being held November 9-12, is supposed to help local leaders foster global economic linkages and encourage entrepreneurship and small business — both critical ingredients to more competitive cities in a 21st century economy. Now I ask, why in the hell are we sending someone to Phoenix? For global linkages? Our problems are much more immediate than that. Zacks and I agree on this one. The free lunches need to end.

In reality, this conference is nothing more than a FREE LUNCH on the taxpayers of Lake Worth who were just taxed a special assessment by a city commission that also raised advalorem and other taxes. As Zacks would say, "Get real."


  1. In reading your article on Mr. Maxwell, I’m curious as to why he would be attending this conference, didn’t Stanton hire an economic development individual to market “brand” LW?

    lunch. It really is a peeve of mine.

  3. Maxwell was sent to this conference, to get him out of City Hall, so the residents would not know what is going on there for the next few day's

  4. I went ahead and posted the above because of its humor, NOT for any accuracy whatsoever. MAXWELL LIKES THE FREE LUNCH--LOVES IT IN FACT--BELIEVES IN IT 100%. It was he who WANTED to go.

  5. You think Scott knows what's going on at city hall? He is the least informed there.

  6. CM Stanton has not hired an Economic Development Manager yet. Originally former Commissioner Golden expressed interest in attending this conference, but she decided against attending because of the uncertainity what her posiition would be depending on the outcome of the election.

    As described on another blog, the results must be certified within 48 hours after the election. The Superviosr of Elections is expected to provide theLW CIty Clerk with the certified results by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, 11/10. Since Friday is Veterans' Day and City offices are closed, the Ciry cannot certify the results un Monday, 11/14.

  7. Amazing the levels of what they call "hate".....why all the hate you folks think that all business people, elected officials etc live and develop knowledge bases and skill sets in some type of a vacuum devoid of access to external stimulus like college courses, continuing education courses and yes, seminars?

    Do you think folks can in fact develop themselves and make better, more informed policy without access to these resource types?

  8. Jo-Ann Golden did not want to attend because of her broken leg.

    Next, Scott Maxwell will also be sworn in on Monday Nov 14 and that was the earliest day they could have the Swearing-in Ceremony.

    The exact position that was voted in is entitled a Community Marketing Coordinator.

  9. This has nothing to do with HATE. Are you serious? One of those free lunch lovers I take it. Stop the special assessments and all the bull and then I will talk to you about it. Until then, go read a book and learn something.

  10. Can we please stop all of this type of spending? It is absolutely disgusting that these commissioners want to travel out of the state for fun trips even if we were a wealthy city, which we aren't. Come on Scott. Knock it off already.

  11. Scott wants to give back his salary. So let him do that and then he can take a trip as long as he doesn't spend too much. Good idea, Scotty?

  12. Sorry you have Scott confused with Dustin
