Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Election Day

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I stopped by 4 precincts this morning. Voter turn out has been light. There were poll watchers at all the precincts--I was told that there were 53 in total.


  1. The picture of Waterman, at the Finnish Church shows she is having another bad hair day. She should have worn the pink do rag she wore to the coffee with the mayor at medicana. Or the one she wore at the opening of the RO plant

  2. At my precinct there were two fellows with the Republican Executive Committee waiting for Scott Maxwell. One needed a ride to North Palm Beach.

    I honestly resent national Parties influencing our local politics. I can't say that enough. It used to be when I saw that, I would vote for the other guy. Now both sides are using Democrats or Republicans depending upon their Party affiliate. You just can't get away from it.

    Our local politics has changed forever. Thanks, Scott. Eventually it's got to work out for you.

  3. Rachel has very curly hair. Actually her hair looked nice today in spite of it being windy out there. She looked good and upbeat...even had a conversation with my cousin, Cesar, who she had kicked out of the Chamber.

  4. well he must have done something wrong to UPSET ( like maybe not agreeing with something she said.) or I am sure he would not have been removed.

  5. She didn't hear him say "thank you" but instead just heard him speak again and that was not being tolerated. It was a gross misunderstanding. But he didn't care. His tax issues are still not straightened out. the City taxed him on property that was not even his. When he came to that meeting he was hot. He is totally against this tax and spend mentality that is not just indigenous to Lake Worth but to the greed that is prevalent in today's society--the world owes me a living mentality from cradle to grave.

  6. Well in that case I am shocked the Mayor did not put a contract out on him. After all she is not just people she is the Mayor.

  7. Voter turnout is healthy at 3030 and 3032.

  8. Heard there was someone with multiple licenses trying to vote several times. Signs put out at 4:30 a.m. were gone before 6:00 a.m.

  9. It is 7:58 pm and so far Pam is leading lets hope and Pray this is the end of the Cabal, and Stanton......................................................................................................................

  10. And yes Lynn, I am BACK......................................................................................
