Saturday, November 26, 2011

Detroit Mayor takes action against the Unions

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Socialists don't like it but Detroit Democratic Mayor Dave Bing threatened unions Wednesday with a state takeover of city finances if they do not agree to massive concessions to help close the city’s budget deficit. Bing is demanding city workers accept 10 percent pay cut, increased health care costs and changes to work rules.

He is also calling for a “voluntary” reduction in benefits by the city’s 22,000 retirees and the layoff of 1,000 of the city’s 11,000 public employees...Under his plan to downsize the city, Mayor Bing has threatened to close down neighborhoods deemed “unviable,” cutting off services like fire protection and trash pickup to drive the remaining residents out.

Read the rest of the article from the World's Socialist web site.


  1. Our CM wouldn't have the balls.

  2. Oh hell no. Here they want to give you a special assessment to pay for these pensions. What a joke. The FAB said that was a good idea. Another joke.
