Wednesday, November 16, 2011

City Hall Renovations

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True to her word--the door is open at the City Manager's department. Susan Stanton said that it would be done first thing in the morning. The frosted glass has now been removed.

Impact glass is being installed on all the windows at City Hall. I'm sure that is budgeted somewhere.


  1. The amount of renovations that have been done to our city hall at a time where we are being told,lied to,apparantly,that we are BROKE!!!! makes me sick! Nothing is too good for Stanton's house!I want a price list for what has gone on in the last two years,including the mega generator out back!

  2. It is amazing how fast she can get things done NOW knowing Scott is part of the majority. "Yes sir, right away sir... it will be done tomorrow sir"

    It was a BLAST listening last night. She didn't even revisit McVoy's concern for her safety issue.

    Now let's see if she treats Mulvehill and McVoy with as much disdain as she showed for Scott over the past two years. This IS GREAT!!!

  3. Funny Scotty asked for the City Manager's door to be opened, but thinks its just fine for him to be behind locked doors.

  4. I believe that to be incorrect. The way I heard him, he want all public access to be equally applied.
