Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Census Complete Count Committee

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Tonight we will have a presentation from the Census Complete Count Committee and its findings and all the work that they did during the 2010 census.

There have been some on the one side of politics in this city that did everything it could too eliminate any possibility that Annabeth Karson and Shauna Cooligan be in charge of this Committee. First Karson applied for the job and was appointed by the City Manager. Then there was an uproar, she was immediately fired, and the City went out on an RFP. In the end, Ms. Karson was hired by the City anyway.

Why was there an uproar? Those behind that movement to derail Karson were paranoid that she would be collecting voting data that she could use in future elections. Cara Jennings was behind this conspiracy they believed. Their suspicions were baseless but they screamed loudly. Afterall, they were tired of "anarchists" and those of like kind who they perceived to be in control of our city and its destination. They blamed all of these people on the slum and every single piece of blight that ever has existed. As campaign strategist, Diana Demerest says, "There’s an old saying, 'money is the mother’s milk of politics'. I disagree. From my perch, I think the data is."

This committee was formulated because some strongly believed that the vast immigrant population could bring up our population to the 50,000 mark. If that were the case, we would receive money from the federal government as an "entitlement community." As it turned out, we actually had a decline in population.

The Complete Count Committee's presentation is the only presentation on tonight's agenda.


  1. With all do respect and appreciation to your opinion they frankly went through these hoops based on their own actions from the past. BOTH have lied, talked trash behind peoples backs and even used commssioners in the past to enfluence choices on volunteer boards and so many other things.

    I thought they both were the right choice for the Census as getting a correct count on our population was and still is very important however I can't really say that I feel bad for the two of them simply based on their on individual actions.

    With that said it will be the actions now and going forward that will prove positive or negative not only for those two but any of us in Lake Worth. Actions speak louder than words and simply put, Walk the Walk don't just Talk.

  2. I am unaware of the lies or the talking trash to which you refer. I know that they did one heck of a job and you will be able to witness it all in tonight's presentation.

    There is no doubt that they personally have aligned themselves with the "progressives" in this city. This has nothing to do with their job for us on the Complete Count Committee.

  3. The lack of backup could be expected, given the motives and intentions of Annabeth and Shauna. What we have is filler and government copied documents.
    Of course, the waiver of insurance requirements by the City Manager, without commission approval, put the LW at risk and showed preference over other vendors.
    With Rachael Waterman heading up the Department of Commerce’s efforts on the Census and her Campaign Manager, Annabeth Karson, as the City’s CCC representative, I am surprised that you don’t see both the ineptitude of the participants and the rise of conspiracy theories.

  4. Gee, and you all have accused me of conspiracy theories when all the time it was YOU! Unbelievable. On top of everything else, you have created utter fiction in your madness. You want to accuse someone of something, come out of the cloak of darkness otherwise, stay in the shadows with the rest of those creepy, crawly things that live behind the woodwork.

  5. Waterman's campaign manager was Pearl Oliphant.

  6. Annabeth did not have any function in Rachel Waterman's campaign.

  7. I talked with AK several times during the campaign and there was no doubt in my mind that she was a leader in Waterman's campaigns.
    I hope she is asked that question tonight.

  8. I was in Lake Worth in the summer of 2010 and i never heard abot Rachael being on the Census payroll.

  9. anony at 3:13 you are the type of person who would not believe that the sun comes up in the morning

  10. I saw this coming. Had the previous majority on the commission had given it the former CRB this would not have happen and we, the taxpayers, would have saved 26k.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  11. Attention, mademoiselle Karson! Attention mademoiselle Cooligan! C'est le Commission de Lake Worth sur le telephone. Il vous cheche.

  12. Karson? Karson? Cooligan? Karson? Bueller? Bueller?

  13. So they didn't show...and don't want to..maybe they can ask Waterman to present a report......
