Thursday, November 3, 2011

Casino Leases to be approved tonight

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Tonight's the night that the Commission will vote on the leases that will be presented to them--the lucky occupants of a brand new building situated across from the Atlantic Ocean and built in the style of the original building of 1922, a building that anyone would be lucky to inhabit.

We will hear why no one wants to rent the upper level and have an ocean and Intracoastal Waterway view and that we should be grateful that Johnny Longboats does. We will hear from the broker that he has looked far and wide and there is no interest. We will hear that Longboats should get a big break on the price per square foot because, afterall, they are taking 66% of our leasable space and they will be financing $1 mil in improvements to our property. We will hear that they just have to stay opened until 2am in order to make any money. We will hear that they are really doing us all a favor.

Will the commission give a dang about our turtles and the lack of proper lighting? And how will the city manager grab the cash for that because they surely have to be installed? Will they still care that this is a beach PARK and not a brand new $6 mil building so that one tenant can make a killing? Will all those one on one meetings out of the sunshine convince the commission to allow this to happen as well as to kick our long time tenants out, those who were treated abominably over the last 3 years never knowing if the casino was going to be condemned and they would be out on their ears and forced to rent in a building that was crumbling before their very eyes. Will the commission forget that John G's was there for 37 years, closing at 3pm and fed 4 families? Will the commission forget the desires of 3,000 people who signed the petition only a few years ago that outlined their vision of our beach and casino park property...a petition that was certified to go to ballot until Jennings used her influence and stopped it?

After the last meeting on October 19, the question will be, will the city manager and her assistant who is in charge of this project, convince this commission by getting approval of the most expedient solution, that of a Longboats lease. It will remove one problem off their plate.


  1. The City says-

    Johnny Longboats is first and foremost a family friendly restaurant. They serve three hundred to five hundred (300-500) kids’ meals a week. In the later evening hours, the clientele eat, drink and enjoy watching sports events on the large screen televisions. Johnny Longboats is
    requesting to stay open to 2am at the latest, most likely during the later part of the week and
    weekend to serve those who enjoy the later night eating and drinking experience.
    Our pier currently stays open until midnight. The later closing of 2am, as opposed to 11pm,
    does not impact the park tmosphere nor does it pose any threat to the natural elements of the beach. Many seaside Communities have restaurants and bars directly on the beach that remain open until 2am or later.


  2. Will there be a live feed, or will I have to go to City Hall?

  3. We could not keep our beach painted. A simple task that could not be done in all the years I have lived here. Does anyone really believe that this commission which knows nothing about running a commercial rental complex will get this right?

  4. John, I believe that there will be a management contract in effect here.

  5. And who will that be Juan from Leisure services, Oh wait he will be gone as soon as Stanton set her sights on the Golf Course, and changes it to a passive park.
