Friday, November 4, 2011

Blame it on Rene Varela

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Summer special election, runoff costs exceed 40,000.

If I have to hear one more time from Joe Public out there to consider eliminating run-off elections or changing elected terms to three years, I will blow a gasket.

This happens every 4 years. I worry about that side of politics getting back into the majority. They pull this all of the time never considering that the voters have turned both those ideas down twice in the last decade.

Herman Robinson was quoted in the Post as saying that both are worthy of education and discussion. To educate:

Placed on the January 29, 2008 ballot:

1. Three year Commission terms:......NO (68%) YES (32%)

2. Eliminate run-off elections:......... NO (67%) YES (33%)

If you really want to waste taxpayer money, just put these items on another ballot. What would actually save money would be to move the election back to March. Just ask Susan Bucher.


  1. 2 years is enough for any moron to ruin our city.

  2. This is something that S. Stanton wants so look for the subject to come up. Waterman has already said that they are going to workshop the idea.

  3. Don't worry about Waterman. She will not be here after November 8.

  4. To tell you the truth, I have no feel for the outcome of the mayoral election. I can't even make the call that it will be close or ridiculously one-sided. This poll has them running even. Who knows?

  5. 55-45 Triolo. Waterman will still have the standard 1500 cabal votes but too many in the middle in the city have finally caught on and will vote for the best candidate not the best liars.

  6. Define Cara, and Panagioti and you have the meaning of the Cabal

  7. It was dreadful what Rene did, Herman. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  8. Susan Stanton wants longer terms. What she wants, she gets. Besides, you have Mulvehill drooling all over her. Thank God there are some sensible voters out here.

  9. 3 year terms will attract ocean's of out of town money to control our city's future, taking away control of our government from the citizen taxpayer.
    We already have a CRA to spend money without accountability to the electorate. That's more than enough.
