Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aqua Utilities asking for another multi-million dollar rate increase

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Well if this won't get Bill Coakley (former mayoral candidate in Lake Worth) to rise again among the living, nothing will. He's been fighting helicopter noise ever since he moved to his house on Lake Osborne Drive and no one sees him anymore. Now it is the price of water that will get him hopping again.

He is the President of Lake Osborne Estates Neighborhood Association. They buy their water from Aqua Utilities who buys the water from Lake Worth. Aqua is asking for another rate hike of $4.1 million which will be a 30 to 55% increase.

Bill's main complaint he says, is that "The problem for us IS the rate structure. We are a unique pass-through water consumer. AUF (Aqua Utilities Florida) is not adding any value to the LWU (Lake Worth Utilities) water we receive …yet we are paying nearly double what a Lake Worth resident pays for the same water."

Read about Aqua Utilities trying to screw its customers again and about to hose down Coakley. Coakley says, "This is just more Wall Street thievery, corporate greed being served over public interest. It is obvious that these people are thieves and taking advantage of this situation that has been given to them by the State. It is total abuse of the public by sticking it to them... philosophically, ethically and morally wrong."


  1. No one cared what Coakley had to say when he was on the utility task force, when he ran for mayor (what a joke) or when he had his stupid blog. Why would we care now?

  2. Is this the same mean spirited person who knows nothing, who always comes over here to be a little nasty sneak? If you had listened to Coakley back then, we would not have wasted $6 million on an upgrade that was ill advised and planned for the City.

    Bill Coakley is one of the most informed people around here. You should be so lucky that even his aura might blow your way.

    Take a flying leap and keep your nasty personal attacks somewhere else. The above sounds like the old Stafford Lake Worth Talk site. You must be one of the contributors to that trash coming back out of the dead. Stay buried my friend.

  3. Bill Coakley forgot more about the utility than the current director has ever known. Also.....there were two people in this entire city who were correct about the failed electrical conversion and Coakley was one of them.

    You might wish to ask yourself just why this city is in such a sorry state of affairs, and then possibly go look in the mirror. Coakley did everything within his power to bring some common sense and professionalism to the Task Force, only to be laughed at and ridiculed. He now has the last laugh and you sorry pieces of human debris simply cannot stand that thought.

  4. The other one was Mary Lindsey.
