Monday, October 17, 2011

To Dustin

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  1. Dusty did a great job tonight and he knows his stuff and speaks well. I think he realizes that he is third as he said tonight and he doesn't want there to be a run-off or more money wasted and is basically saying don't vote for me, vote for Pam. Pam was super tonight too. She will make a fine mayor. She really cares and hopefully will also listen to us. Too bad about Waterman, she is only hurting herself by not attending these forums, I am sure most are not happy with her now, her own spite will just be spiting her very self. I don't think she has much of a chance now. In fact with what Rachel and Zach have both done and said, it is a give away to Pam, but she will do a fine job if she wins.

    Andy did a great job tonight too, he knows what he is talking about and he cares. Joann has be her own worst enemy for all she has done, she has dissed so many residents here by not returning calls and e-mails and voting for all these increases and taxes/assessments. She is so full of herself, she has lost focus on the city as a whole and us the residents. If I had a crystal ball after tonights forum, I would say Pam and Andy will both win, they have to be the best choices, they know their stuff, they care, and they are listening to us. May the best ones win for our great little city by the sea.

  2. Lynn, translation please?
    Is this a diss to Dusty?
    (silly question)

  3. au contraire, anonymous at 10:45. (I really am getting into these foreign languages lately). Do you think if I was dissing him I would use a HEART on a t-shirt. That was going a little too far, I agree. :)

    This was to
    1. thank him for the law review book that he wrote and gave to me last night and was just published on Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems

    2) and using his Hebrew, telling him to keep up the good work.

    Frankly, Dustin, since he has turned down and nearly turned off his personal attacks, has come into his own. He actually was very good last night and now I believe if he had entered this race with all the right intentions, he might not have been in a distant 3rd place.

  4. Joann did not do well last night.I know what is going on,and even I couldn't follow her train of thought on a lot of her answers.She berated people for not showing up at city meetings. REALLY!! Joann?? Why should anybody show up at these pre-determined farces? Joann,Suzanne,Rachel and Christopher have already had several hours of behind closed doors coaching by the city manager Stanton telling them how they should vote on the agenda . The agenda that Stanton sets!And note to ALL candidates-YOU CAN'T USE THE BILLBOARD MONEY! It has already been allocated by a previous Commission for a specific task!And the answer to "will you get rid of the "fire' assessment if elected should be a resounding HELL YES !!!And if you are elcted- don't believe one thing that our city attorney tells you- she has no problem lying to advance the agenda of the city manager.

  5. Unfortunately, the city manager moved the billboard money of $1.8 million to the general fund without the Commission's knowledge. The Commission will not call her to the carpet on this. Why not? The FAB has been silent as well even though they have asked for all the backup on this previous vote to keep the money in the CIP for a new city hall complex.

    Can anyone do what they want with our money? Does everyone drop the ball? Does anyone care?

  6. "Can anyone do what they want with our money? Does everyone drop the ball? Does anyone care?"

    Lynn you ask the best questions! I wish we could get our elected officials to respond or our city manager. I cannot even get Joann and a the other commissioners to respond to my e-mails. None of them want to listen to us like Pam said last night. I am so tired of this, fed up with it. When will we get people in office who care and show this?
