Monday, October 31, 2011

This is What it's all about, Folks

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This country is full of them.
I saw this on Judge Judy awhile back and it confirmed my worst fears--
Government hand-outs are detrimental to the health and
welfare of this great country and it gives these jokers
an excuse to blame everyone but themselves.
Users, abusers and deadbeats living off welfare or
anyone they can find.
1% beware.


  1. Lynn, seeing as Waterman say's she is making 61 cent's an hour, is she getting a welfare check? That is way under minimum wage.

  2. I have no idea if she is on welfare or not. But I still don't understand why there are some who begrudge her making a decent salary for being mayor of LW. This bum in this video is making about $3,000 a month off the system, twice what we pay Waterman to live and to feed her family.

  3. I am not begrudging anyone, but the MAyor's Office never was a full time Job. Why all of a sudden is it?

  4. I don't have an answer to that question. All I know is that it IS a full-time job in a city with a lot of issues. Since it has become a full-time job, and I think it should be, then the salary needs to be re-visited. There is no earthly reason why our commissioners have to live on a paltry sum that we pay them.

  5. Write your congressman.

  6. And these types walk among us. Working the system.And they wonder why we dislike certain types of people.

  7. Waterman and Triolo both worked the system but got a different result. So, who are the certain types of people that you dislike?

  8. 1:15 poster. I dislike the type of people Judge Judy had in that video.They walk among us and we pay for these idiots to go to college.How did he ever qualify for college? He is dumber then a box of rocks.No wonder our jails are full.Then you have the CEO types that screw over everybody. Does the name B. Madoff ring a bell? The good and hard working people are getting it in both ends by people like the ones mentioned above. Now can you figure that out for yourself?
