Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Comment Up

Tim Newcomb cartoon published by Vermont's Seven Days newspaper.


  1. You forgot a wind turbine at the beach.

  2. This is a good one, it is true, our politicians constantly want to grow populations and growth for development and use of consumption. We push too much in this country consumption, it all seems to be about consumerism, this is what our government and politician wants to sustain!

  3. I vote for a moratorium on all immigration until Congress adopts a population policy that puts us on a path to environmental and social sustainability.l

    Good to know you are still hot on the topic. :-)


  4. Agree with all of you! We can't even take care of our own but we are allowing for how many per year to pour into the US and our resources go to take care of them....

    We spend millions to billions on those who are not legally here while our seniors have to choose between paying a utility bill or buying their meds....children of our own US citizens go hungry or skip meals while if your here illegally we make sure you get fed.

    our country is loosing our precious resources but we keep adding numbers to our population and China has a two child minimum per family? We certainly don't need that but we do need to slow down this open boarder problem and quit taking in more mouths to feed with food we don't have for even our own....Correction we do have food for our own we just don't qualify our own to get the free ride when our chips are down.

    And you can't just blame this one or that one this has been the same since I was a small child and distinctly remember when my father had a heart attack that we could and did not qualify for assistance even when the doctors labeled him disabled. What a screwed up system even today. 40 years ago folks.
