Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stealth Radar in Lake Worth

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Because of frequent complaints to the City Manager, Susan Stanton, she decided that the purchase of a stealth radar recorder used to conduct unbiased speed surveys was a good idea.

This device focuses on the areas where the complaints are received and can be generated in just a matter of minutes to confirm whether or not a reported problem is real or perceived. Now the City Manager can tell that Lake Worth complainer whether or not he knows what he's talking about because the data will confirm or deny..........Joe Blow, you are wrong.....or right, whichever the case may be!

Not only did the Commission vote for the free lunch for Vice Mayor Mulvehill to fly to Vancouver on sustainability, but on a 5/0 vote of the City Commission on October 18, it voted to approve the purchase of one of these devices to be used in LW. This is not a red-light camera but an instrument that will determine if the Sheriff needs more manpower at a certain area of the city to catch speeders and get revenue. This will be paid from The Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF), operated by Police Services which are accounts for State and Federal confiscated merchandise and forfeiture funds received by the City and expended for Law Enforcement purposes. Cost: 4,427.

The PBSO is trying to accommodate Lake Worth and their deputies should be used where there is a real problem. This device will help in that determination. This was a good vote.


  1. Big Brother watching over us yet again

  2. Sounds like a good idea. I know that cars race up and down my street,but maybe there are worse areas that need the attention first.How do we get this device put in our area?

  3. I like the way they are secured to that pole.These devices will dissappear overnight.

  4. Generally in favor of this, we've complained that North O St. is often used as an alternative to Federal Hwy by certain cars and it seems that those cars are going in excess of 25 mph. We've asked for a stop sign to slow people down and we did have a speed study done by one of those mobile PBSO units where its out there for everyone to see. I've always wondered if the mobile PBSO unit just slows people down enough so it appears that there is no problem.
