Monday, October 10, 2011

One of the Corrupt Groups behind Occupy Wall Street

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From Corruption Chronicles at Judicial Watch:

A famously corrupt leftist community organization with deep ties to President Barack Obama is largely behind the national movement to “end economic segregation” and social injustice in the United States.

Best known as Occupy Wall Street, the rowdy protests have received quite a bit of mainstream media coverage around the world. Besides New York, disruptive marches have been held in other major U.S. cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami and Boston and more are scheduled in the coming days.

Among the goals is to get major banks to stop preying on the poor and people of color, according to the organizer of a Boston offshoot of an Occupy Wall Street rally. The event, promoted as Take Back Boston, was organized by dozens of local community groups that claim big banks have a pattern of pushing “bad loans on people of color and the poor.” As a result of the “predatory lending,” foreclosures have skyrocketed in urban communities, the organizers say.

Among the Take Back Boston organizers is a spinoff of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Amid a massive fraud scandal and a series of criminal probes, ACORN supposedly dismantled but the reality is that it simply changed its name. In fact, Judicial Watch recently published a special report (“The Rebranding of ACORN”) about the organization’s transformation into various spinoffs and affiliated groups.

In this particular case, ACORN’s Boston office simply rebranded into New England United 4 Justice. Same crooked group with the same general mission and president, but a different name. Headed by Maude Hurd, the former president of ACORN and ACORN Housing, New England United 4 Justice promotes “social justice” for “low and moderate income families.” The group also seeks to educate the general public about social justice issues and the needs of poor and middle class families.

This sort of rebranding has allowed ACORN to skirt a 2009 congressional ban on federal funding, consequence of its many transgressions. A few months ago a Judicial Watch investigation found the Obama Administration gave an ACORN reincarnation called Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) a $79,819 grant to “combat housing and lending discrimination.”


  1. I hate our city being used as a dumping ground for illegals and socialists under the pretense of humanity.

  2. People attended for all sorts of reasons. The elderly there are worried about social security. They have been sold a bill of goods by Democrats that it will be taken away if they don't vote for the anointed one. Others wanting to tax the 1% more have no idea that it won't make once little bit of a dent.

  3. So weak, Lynn. Stop with the conspiracy theories already. "among the organizers" is "a spinoff" Get real.

  4. What gives, Steve? Well, what gives is that I don't like crooks whether they are from Wall Street or just the streets--a name by any other name sort of thing. I especially do not like anyone jumping on bandwagons who have been manipulated to believe that Occupy Wall Street is anything more than a bunch of Socialists wanting to bring down our country. Is that strong enough?

  5. Anyone who knows anything about ACORN and its leaders knows ACORN is nothing more than a corrupt group of socialist bullies. They should be protested against, no Wall Street. Just because all those LOSERS don't care to work and they want to live off my tax dollars and government handouts, doesn't make a successful company or individual corrupt. The fact is that almost every bank has paid back the bailout money, with profit and interest, so the government actually made a tidy little profit from the so called bailout. So where's the problem? Why not protest our Mayor Rachel, she never paid back the loans she was given!! At least Wall St. paid it back.

  6. Steve, you are the weak one. Nothing but a follower who could never get out of the 60's. The free ride is over buddy, go get a job finally or not, but don't expect my hard working tax dollars to pay your bills. Of your whole Cara Crew of a hundred or so people, does anyone have a job? (and protesting everything under the sun is not a job)

  7. Could you be any more incorrect? I think not. To want to prosecute the crooks that tanked our economy while filling their offshore, tax cheating accounts or to want to reverse the citizens united vs board of elections decision makes someone a socialist?? Are you a tool much??

  8. Don't believe the hype: Occupy is about reform. ACORN has done much good work. I have a job, thank you very much.
    I'm also unafraid to post under my own name, unlike so many others.
