Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Lake Worth

And they're going to do it all over again today--10am at Bryant Park! The mentality is--Let's take down America. That's what it's really about in spite of all the other rhetoric...Socialism. There are actually a lot of well meaning people in support of this demonstration. They all agree that all of us paying $60 for a fire pension is good stuff and probably would like to see everyone in America living on $12,000 a year.


  1. Wrong again! At least you're consistant.

  2. Well, I bet Cara Jennings and her hippie group will all be there, it is their people that are behind all of this and the Occupy Wall Street group too, they should be protesting at city hall and the capital, it is our government to blame for the messes we have here in the states and big business who wants to control government and us, there is so much greed in this country, yet many of these hippies int he park all want to live off the government too, getting public housing, food stamps, and assistance, they do not want to work, just reek havoc on our government and us here. Maybe we will have all of Havana here in South Florida soon too. Nobody wants to work too hard anymore, they would rather plan all these events in the park and around the country "raising their awareness" to their beliefs.

  3. "These people are not occupiers, they are trespassers. They keep honest, tax paying citizens from using the parks, roads, sidewalks and businesses. All they do is leave behind trash for the government to clean up. They have no constructive ideas and all they know is to destroy our Country. I am not sure I am glad that the democrats are aligning themselves with these trespassers."

  4. The correct place to protest is the White House! It is White House policies that are DESTROYING the American economy! Will we ever be able to recover from this massive Leftist/Fascist assault on our people and country?

    An inferior health care plan that no one wants and CANNOT afford to pay. The threat to jail and/or fine those who don't purchase the government enforced plan.

    Massive spending as if there is no tomorrow. Fighting wars we have no money for. Massive borrowing.

    The Massive giving away of Billions of dollars every year to other countries, including the oil-wealthy Middle East, Hamas-controlled Gaza and the Palestinian Authority organization who fill their war chests, build mansions and laugh all the way to the bank with free infidel money. Whilst in America, homeless shelters are filled to capacity; tent cities have sprung up all over the U.S. filled with desperate, jobless, homeless, neglected Americans.

    Massive debt. The massive printing of paper money out of thin air to DELIBERATELY create out-of-control inflation. There is no question that the total DESTRUCTION of America's economy is planned. The results will be horrifying. In the once wealthy and great nation of America, millions of Americans will become destitute, hungry and homeless with no money or resources to help them.

  5. What, not a single reference to the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Jihad? Surely they play some part in this dastardly scheme? This hippie group camping out in Bryant Park is just another group here that wants to start its own Jihad here in the USA and it seems they are gaining momentum. I wonder how much Waterman is behind all of this? Maybe Stanton too? They seem to want this socialism!

  6. I am headed to Bryant Park now, I want to check out these scam bags, Peter here I come!

  7. "Let's confront the real causes of our problems here--the trillions in expense to have a global presence, humongous debt that has collapsed our economy, allowing corporate loopholes to hide income, allowing off-shoring of jobs instead of giving corporations tax breaks in order to keep our manufacturing and other jobs here and the devaluation of our dollar. We have to look to the government as the problem."
    Absolutely, hold our government and the elected accountable!

  8. It is so easy to see in the remarks of the republican herd that they are afraid because they are ignorant of the truth and will remain so because they are not willing to open their minds. One of the lies is that the people at this rally are homeless, drug addicts, lazy; etc and should not count. WRONG I am a college graduate from FAU with a business degree. I worked 6 years at IBM and 11 years where I work now. Please take this opportunity to learn. The 99% are defending you because you don't realize you are under attack too.
    Bill o'reiley said the other night that Ghadafi should have know that by keeping all of the power and money at the top and not re-investing it that there would be a revolution. We have that situation here because we have government without representation since the lobbyist and corporations own our elected officials. If the republican party is so certain Obama is a one term president, why are the changing the election laws all over the country. If they are so honest why are they afraid of a fair election. It is okay to think it only hurts at first then it feels really good.

    Think...without regulation we get Chinese Drywall, without regulation we get plastic fillers in the baby food,....we get Love Canal. Why are we subsidizing Oil Companies, the most successful industry ever in the history of the world?

    We do not want to tear down society, that is what your fear tells you because you are ignorant. The Wealthy have been on a class warfare against the middle and lower class for almost 30 years now. WE WANT JUSTICE. PERIOD. Why aren't the Wall st fat cats being tried for their crimes instead of getting more bonuses. The temporary tax cut for the rich is over and their rate is supposed to return to what it was but the republicans will not keep the promise of their deal because they have no honor because corporate lobbyist bought their honor.


    Typical conservative, you reserve the right to post only blogs you want. Shameful.

  9. Happy to see that at least you watch Bill O'Reilly. But if you watched his show more often, he would tell you that the Occupy groups have been infiltrated by subversives. They are totally against our way of life and capatalism. So, I am afraid that when you call people "ignorant" you are a part of the left wing liberal agenda that wants to bring down America. Some of your complaints I believe myself, but overall the occupiers just want someone else's chips--the guy who worked hard and made it.

    As far as fat cat corporate America, I agree that there are salary and benefit abuses that are more than egregious. I worked for 2 public companies and I have seen the greed in America. However, it is up to the public, those who own the shares in these corporations to make that change happen. When any shareholder sees a corporate executive making millions and multi-millions in stock options, it needs to be stopped. They can vote the bums out. They don't. Why not? You worked for IBM, what do you think? If corporate America is evil as you percist, than all America is evil in your eyes for it is we who own the companies.

    We all have gripes. There is nothing good about socialism.

  10. The problem with debating "stupid" is that you must lower yourself to their level, which naturally places you at a disadvantage. Just like Michael Moore, even though he is a 1%, he must act outraged that someone else is making more money than he, this leftist author must feel that he has been left out of the America Dream.

    The occupy movement is not about Republicans and the occupiers cannot even come up with a cogent list of demands. Nor is it about regulations. These are, in fact, leftist zealots (just like your author) who wish to have everything handed to them without working.

    As was stated in their preliminary statement "We want a living wage regardless of whether we wish to actually work or not".

    Their actual desire seems to be to create a Greece like state whereby everyone works for the government, retirement is at 55, taxes are at 80%, and welfare is forever. Well, we all see what has happened to Greece, but that does not stop these leftists from believing that they can do Socialism/Marxism/Communism better if they are put in charge. It hasn't worked in Russia, China, Greece, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy or Ireland so what gives them any reasonable chance of it working in the good ole USA?

    What is also puzzling to me is that these people seem incapable of doing the most basic research, but always rail against Wall Street and Big Oil. The following is a list of Most Profitable Industries. Seems that neither Big Oil nor Wall Street are at the top.

    Top industries: Most profitable

    Industry Rank Industry 2008 Profits
    as % of
    1 Network and Other Communications Equipment 20.4
    2 Internet Services and Retailing 19.4
    3 Pharmaceuticals 19.3
    4 Medical Products and Equipment 16.3
    5 Railroads 12.6
    6 Financial Data Services 11.7
    7 Mining, Crude-Oil production 11.5
    8 Securities 10.7
    9 Oil and Gas Equipment, Services 10.2
    10 Scientific, Photographic, and Control Equipment 9.9
    11 Household and Personal Products 8.7
    12 Utilities: Gas and Electric 8.7
    13 Aerospace and Defense 7.6
    14 Food Services 7.1
    15 Industrial Machinery 6.9
    16 Food Consumer Products 6.7
    17 Electronics, Electrical Equipment 6.5
    18 Commercial Banks 5.2
    19 Telecommunications 5.1
    20 Chemicals 5.0
    21 Construction and Farm Machinery 5.0
    22 Insurance: Life, Health (stock) 4.6
    23 Information Technology Services 4.5
    24 Computers, Office Equipment 4.3
    25 Metals 3.9
    26 Wholesalers: Diversified 3.5
    27 Insurance: Property and Casualty (stock) 3.3
    28 Specialty Retailers 3.2
    29 General Merchandisers 3.2
    30 Health Care: Pharmacy and Other Services 3.0
    31 Packaging, Containers 3.0
    32 Beverages 2.9
    33 Engineering, Construction 2.7
    34 Health Care: Medical Facilities 2.4
    35 Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care 2.2
    36 Petroleum Refining 2.1
    37 Food and Drug Stores 1.5
    38 Pipelines 1.5
    39 Wholesalers: Health Care 1.3
    40 Semiconductors and Other Electronic Components 1.0
    41 Energy 0.9
    42 Home Equipment, Furnishings 0.7
    43 Food Production 0.6
    44 Wholesalers: Electronics and Office Equipment -0.3
    45 Diversified Financial's -0.6
    46 Motor Vehicles and Parts -0.7
    47 Insurance: Life, Health (mutual) -3.0
    48 Hotels, Casinos, Resorts -4.5
    49 Automotive Retailing, Services -7.9
    50 Forest and Paper Products -9.6
    51 Entertainment -10.0
    52 Real Estate -13.4
    53 Airlines -13.5
