Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Gun Law - A Nutty Idea

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It's been reported that our Mayor now has an armed Sheriff at her door during her Open Door Policy with the public that is allowed to just drop by for 15 minute talks with her.

There is a new State law that went into effect on October 1 that states that people are allowed to walk freely through public buildings with a concealed weapon as long as they have a permit. They will not be stopped nor detained in any way. The NRA is estatic as well as certain Constitutionalists.

Those with weapons are supposed to inform staff when they enter a building. Now employees and elected officials have to be wary of that lone nut case. Just having a law such as this is nutty in itself. Being that the Mayor has been "under fire" lately on the fire assessment and other taxes, I can well understand why a Sheriff is at our City Hall. All it takes is one half a second to fire that gun.


  1. Stanton should be worried very worried.........................

  2. If your last sentence is to be believed, how is posting an armed Sheriff at the door going to prevent the gunman from doing whatever he wishes?

    What having armed citizens in the public arena will do is to prevent that lone gunman from harming more than one citizen.

  3. No to one is going to go against the Mayor it is just a waste of time.

  4. Anon at 10:38--is this like the gunfight at the OK corral?

    It dispels your theory of "We feel safer." Just having a sheriff there can help deter a crime.

  5. Stanton must have felt the "heat" (pardon the pun) because she has fortified her palace and you can't get anywhere near her office without secret decoder rings and magic words.

    West Palm, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach County have you go through metal detectors as you enter city hall or the County Building. Boynton even confiscates your drivers license to be returned on your departure.

    But why should you and I be paying for all this security? The lone whacko is responsible for shooting lawyers and judges who ruled against them or represented their spouse, doctors who abort unborn children, go into our schools and shoot randomly and what about our infamous Postal Service which due to disgruntled employees, edited our vocabulary making Postal a verb?

    If everybody armed themselves, when that one whacko pulls out his (no doubt un-permitted) weapon, there'd be fewer ambulance sirens screaming to the scene of the crime.

    Remember.... it's not the permit carrying gun owner you need to worry about. He/she is the one who might save your life.

  6. Not very convincing. This is a typical Republican gun toting Rep response.

  7. WOW, this was actually the worst exchange I have seen on this blog. (Note, no offense to Lynn but to the posters)

    Yes one poster we have more to worry about from the illegal gun holder than the registered.

    No to the other poster this is not Republican supporting BS its every American's Right even me a Dem but its the criminals that mess this up

    Bottom line...please do NOT say the CM should be worried in a post like this as that could be decoded as a threat and thus FBI shall get involved and you can get in trouble so don't be a D@&B A#s.

    The point you are all missing is the Mayor is abusing city funds by having a deputy posted at city hall who should be on the road and protecting us. Give that a thought or two and yes I know i'm being very sarcastic in this post but there is some truth in it.

    Hugs, Love and Peace....and yes I really do mean it.
