Friday, October 28, 2011

Lake Worth's Reverse Osmosis Plant

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The beginning of our Reverse Osmosis Plant
May 2010

Thank you Commissioner Jo-ann Golden and Vice Mayor Suzanne Mulvehill. In my opinion, this is the greatest decision of any Commission, our own Reverse Osmosis Plant.

The above photo was the beginning, reversing a prior and horribly costly decision made in 2007 from the Clemens administration (Clemens, Vespo and Lowe) that took us out of the driver's seat of controlling the most precious resource on Planet Earth, that of water. The decision to buy water from Palm Beach County was reversed saving us $3.5 million by getting out of that contract in order to complete our own RO plant. Also the new commission saved the City $15 million that had already been invested in the RO project that Jeff Clemens wanted to burn. They voted to continue on with our own reverse osmosis plant that will supply 4.5 million gallons of water daily with the capability of producing double that capacity.

Tomorrow you will be able to see the finished product of our $25 million Reverse Osmosis Plant. The City will provide free shuttling to the Utility beginning at 9:15, ending at 2pm originating from Lake Worth High School. The dedication itself starts at 10 am.


  1. Too bad we have the highest water rates in the county---with big increases scheduled over the short term-- and no allies against South Florida Water Management District if they choose to restrict our output in the future---i.e. When the Park of Commerce actually gets a new industrial tenant.

  2. There you haters go again. Messing up the fun with some silly facts.


  3. I agree Lynn! This is a very positive step forward for Lake Worth and I hope the ceremony goes as planned and with out incident!

    It really great to finaly start seeing some positives happening around town.

    Hopefully the rain will stay away long enough for tomorrows event to be enjoyed by all!

    Robert Waples

  4. Show me the cost of water in other locales.

    We are paying 5.25% more for water in order to meet operating expenses at our water plant. This started out as a 5 year plan that has now been reduced to a yearly analysis on costs. Next year, who knows? Maybe it will go down.

    When asking Susan Stanton, she said: I do foresee the annual operation cost going down given the cost of operation which, for an RO Plant, is electricity...and chemicals. There are too many unknowns at this time since the plant is new and our experience in operations new.
