Sunday, October 30, 2011

Four Score and 150 Years ago

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Our Candidates' Forefathers ---Four Score & 150 Years Ago.
Candidates Carrying on the Tradition of their Forefathers...

click photo to view

"At one point during the debate, the crowd shouted down Rinaldi when his questions rambled on. Afterword, the president of the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County, which helped with the debate, said the League would participate in future Lake Worth debates only if they provide the moderator.

'The League has to be very careful to protect its nonpartisanship', League president Joan Karp said in an email. Our conclusion after the Lake Worth debate is that we will only participate if we have control (over rules of the debate) and furnish the moderator.'"


  1. Must support Waterman,( " we will not beat up on you sister" )

  2. The players. The artist didn't miss too many.

  3. LtoR: Maxwell, Rinaldi, Amoroso, Lindsey, Zacks, Triolo, Golden, McNamara, Waterman?

    Pic says exactly what I‘ve been thinking. Founding fathers gave vote only to White-Male-Landowners. In case they got it wrong, crème de la crème made the final decision (ie, Electoral College) Great system, just ask George Bush II. Lucky for Ms. Triolo, there was a 19th Amendment.

    BTW, Renters pay taxes with rent. Without renters, landlords would have no income! Angry business owners remember: local residents are your customers. The customer is always right, right? Of course, customers can always vote by not spending money at your business.

    No candidate is perfect, but some are better than others.

    No matter how it turns out Nov 8, it’s a thankless job. So Pam and Andy, careful what you wish for. Today’s "lovers" are tomorrow's "haters." So to speak.

  4. LOL this was a good one Lynn :-)

    To bad it was not a drawing of the new series that played on TV tonight on ABC...Once upon a time.

    I watched it and saw nothing but Rachael as the evil witch and her father that had his heart ripped out for the spell was the CM.

  5. Anonymous at 9:51-
    You got one wrong and you missed one!
    Thanks to our "secret" graphic artist who sent this in. Artist is great, doncha think?

  6. Really cute graphic! Screw the league of Women Voters-bunch of timid,wishy washy old hags! We can get our own moderators ,thank you very much! The moderator from I think Channel 12 ? last year was great !!

  7. The moderator from last year was not that great. I agree with the League of Women Voters. I am a woman and its membership is all ages not just "old hags."

  8. Best debate of the season. The candidates opened up and spoke out defending their positions. Tell the league to stay home next year.

  9. I asked the artist what the tablet said standing upright at the table. This is the answer:

    Love thy neighborhood association

    Wes has been quoting the bible a lot lately.

  10. This is so darned funny. Good job.

  11. A lively debate... with the moderator offering his own opinion of the candidates ! Which candidate picked the moderator? Follow the money!

  12. The best government money can buy?

  13. Thanks to the artist :-)

  14. Love this Photo Shop--it is priceless and hits it on the head once again.

  15. Lynn, Isn't that me or John in front of Zack? Funny stuff. GR
