Monday, October 17, 2011

Corruption has a hold of our Politics

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The "occupy" folks say that they want corporations to stay out of our politics and I see nothing wrong with that complaint.

I don't want to see the Chamber of Commerce involved, the Realtor's Association, large developer groups or the League of Cities either. I would not want the huge super political action committees overlooked in this mess as well as the electioneering committees that can give unlimited amounts of money to persuade the electorate.

Read about it at The Orlando Sentinel.


  1. Speaking about corruption in our city, did all of you receive a mailing on Saturday from our city, a letter and form saying that if you have your property rented or leased it must have a certificate and go through an inspection? I got one and my house is a single family house homesteaded and not rented out, I live north of Lucerne and west of Dixie. Did all residents int he city get one of these forms and letters?

    Do a lot of people homestead, but not really live in their houses or use them as their principle residence?

    It seems like the city must have spent a lot of money on postage to send these to us, especially when we already have homestead exemption why would they bother? What a waste of money, paper, stamps.

    What is the deal with this Lynn? Did you get one for your condo too? I would like to know more about this? I guess the city wants more money and hope that all these slumlords will fill out this form and pay all these fees, it is a lot of money.

  2. There is so much corruption in our government and with corporate greed, it is all around us. There is no reason whey ATT has to charge us so much for cellphone or home phone service and our government should stop and not allow this greed, our government taxes us to death, there is so much waste, banks and credit card companies charge so many fees and want all to spend and then not be able to pay so to pay high interest, they charge way too much, 20% and plus interest rates is excessive, the corporate greed is just out of control and our government looks the other way and allows all of this, just like the ipod and iphone, they charge way too much for them, that is all greed, Apple is just as bad, but we all give into it. The greed is just allowed and our government does nothing.

  3. It was mentioned recently that the City would be doing this as there are many people who are renting out their property with no license, etc. Hopefully, the cost of printing and postage will bring in much more in certificate of use licenses or whatever they are called.

    I didn't get one. They seem to overlook the condos although it happens here too.

  4. The problem with mailing those letters to the physical location is if it is rented to a tenant the tenant receiving the letter is just going to throw it in the garbage. Wasteful spending. Why didn't they do a test mailing to just the non-homesteaded properties, to the address that the county sends the tax bill and see what response they get? Did the property owner where RW stays receive the letter?

  5. I thought that was what the city was going to do--send it to the owner, not the tenant. At least that is what was said by William Waters.

  6. FYI, Triolo got the endorsement of the Realtors. She wants to grow the city even bigger than it already is. Build to the sky.

  7. Must be holloween soon because the build to the sky boogieman is out again, trying to put the fear of overdevelopment in the citizens.Triolo has said no such thing at any forum I have attended.

  8. Well, we could talk about Waterman getting the endorsement of the IBEW who we just renegotiated with. The "love fest" at the end of that commission meeting was sickening.

  9. Thanks Greg, good points, maybe Lynn can do a survey on here to see how many got those letters, it seems wasteful to send them out to homesteaded properties, since we live in our houses and do not rent them out. What a waste of paper, printing, postage, etc.

    Lynn you said you didn't receive one, so was it sent to only single family homes?

  10. To Anon @2:01pm - seriously?
    Triolo wants to build skyscrapers?
    You are the scariest kind of voter - (if u vote)
    Completely uninformed.
