Saturday, October 29, 2011

Boynton Beach CRA - just keeps on giving

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Havana Hideout owner, Chrissy Benoit, gets a good deal from Boynton Beach taxpayers.

The CRA believes in the economic benefits of this project so much they're offering her free rent for a year and are using $300,000 in public money to renovate the place for her new restaurant.

Read more about it here.


  1. Government has its hand into everything these days. It's no wonder taxes are high and services are diminished. Almost as bad as giving Publix $500,000.

  2. So you think the cra reimbursing Publix for repairing the crumbling sidewalks and other infrastructure repairs which were city liabilities was a bad idea? Even though Publix provides 100 local jobs and removed a blighted empty lot from Dixie? REALLY?

  3. 100 local jobs? Perhaps some of them are local people. We never had to give $500,000 to Publix. It never was for infrastructure. It was to ensure that they would come to that area as the CRA needed that tax money.

    This was never about removing blight. This property was part of Hammon Park and was to be its recreation and pool area until this topwnhouse project got into financial problems. We had already given them $100,000 for affordable housing. Those residents got screwed just like the taxpayers of LW on the $500,000 giveaway to Publix.

    I'm with Jo-ann on this one.

  4. You're with Joann so an empty blighted lot is better than an established business that employees whatever number of residents they employ? So what you're saying is that the city will never receive $500k worth of benefits from the investment?
    Put your personal feelings aside look at the big picture and admit it was agreat investment for the city.

  5. YOU'RE NOT LISTENING--This lot as you call it was supposed to be developed into a pool and recreation area.

    I have never thought Publix was needed. We have a Publix on Lake Worth Road.

    I don't agree with you on this one. So, YOU LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE. Pissing away money like this is not something I am into, not now, not ever especially for a billion dollar corporation.
