Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Allen West Blasts Obama's troop removal from Iraq and other important issues

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Last night I was "accosted" by two Lake Worth Democrats, one a former President of the Lake Worth Democratic Club and special friend of Waterman's campaign manager, Tricia Fitzpatrick (she will always be Tricia to me) and the other, Waterman's campaign Treasurer and former treasurer for Rene Varela. "I understand that you support Allen West." It was like, ooh, ugh, how could you. I was than asked why in the world--sort of like, have you lost your ever lovin mind? I let them know my change in politics is directly attributable to Obama.

This is the problem, as I see it, with liberal progressives. They don't believe that anyone should have an opposing point of view. They believe: Conservatives are evil. The top 1% are evil. Corporations are evil, and so on and so forth. As far as I can tell, this present Obama administration has really screwed up the works. Allen West agrees that we need leadership across the board.


  1. Allen West sounds like a true leader, I love his actions and words, he is dedicated, cares, and listens. He even helps build houses for the disadvantaged. I see him doing so much. Shame on all these liberals that accosted you Lynn and don't believe in opposing views, they really tick me off, they mess up everything in this country. I hope that Allen West becomes our president some day, I like that he has the gumption to speak out, and not be afraid of sharing his beliefs. He sounds like a true leader to me, how inspiring!

  2. God..... I LOVE this guy!!!! I was thinking while watching his interview that when you compare someone like West to "any" liberal/progressive, you have to realize the liberal/progressive will NOT debate the issues. They will most likely stand back and lob stones at conservative ideas and demonize (name call) anyone who has a different opinion. (hater, bigot, racist, homophobe, etc.)

    How can I be a racist if I speak out against Obama's policies but endorse Allen West and Herman Cane?

    It is their policies people. Their ideals and principals. Are we a representative republic or a democracy? Does our Constitution honor the rights and power of the individual or the collective?

    Has our Constitution been turned on its head? Does our Government serve us or do we serve our Government?

    Riding the pendulum baby!

  3. It's about time the troops are brought home from a war we should have never been in.

  4. How can you support Herman CAIN when you can't even spell his name?
    Keep supporting Allin Wist's and the rite wing agindes. You just saw what 8 years of conservative leadership left the country right? Or are you in denial?
    Go Allin Wist, because we all know some good ole rhetoric is much better than results. What has Allin Wist done except talk silliness?

  5. I've just lived through THREE YEARS of MARXIST LEADERSHIP under that Muslim in disguise as a Christian, Obama, I see what a shambles this whole country is in, and I'll take ANY of the Republican nominees over this disaster ANY DAY!!!

  6. To anon at 7:28:

    Gee, ya... you got me. I misspelled Herman's last name. I have signed up for Dee's writing course. Things will get better.

    Now defend all the strides Obummer has made.....

  7. Thank you progressives for making this country a nanny state that we will NEVER recover from, who else’s vote can Obama and the democrats buy at taxpayer’s expense. Maybe these kids should work their way through college and go to a less costly school, what a novel concept. This is getting to be a joke, actually it’s beyond a joke. We are the fools for working, oh I forgot you two are also milking the system, you are both the 1% individuals while I’m busting my butt working.
