Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tonight's Sky

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Add to the list--what else will Stanton assess?


  1. Stanton will probably start assessing properties that have a view of the sunset.Sunrise will be assessed at an even higher rate than sunset. Watch out ,Lynn.Hey everyone, lets help Stanton out by listing all of the future things in Lake Worth that she could possibly ASSESS! My family and I really don't need to eat as much as we currently do.My list would include, but not limited to :MAILBOXES,the AIR THAT I BREATH,and any and all RAIN SHOWERS that fall within the city limits of Lake Worth.

  2. Assess all residents who never turn on their a/c. The city is making less money off of these creeps.

  3. Assess all bloggers because they never tell the truth. Nawh, that wouldn't make her any money as there are only 15.

  4. I can't wager a guess. She has spent a heck of a lot of money to find out that very thing. You can bet that it won't be "purty" and it won't be pretty for the commission either if they go along with her screw job on the citizens.

  5. I don't understand why there are not more outraged people in lake worth. Perhaps they are sheep afterall. Stanton knows that and that is why she will beat you out of your last dime.

  6. she is spinning a web

  7. Ummm... We could be charged to attend a commission meeting or listen on line.
