Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tom Ramiccio back at the Chamber?

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The Board of the Chamber of Commerce is meeting tonight to bring back Tom Ramiccio as director. I was told that he has the votes.

Dan Perrin of Dorsey/E. Earl Smith Memory Gardens is leading the initiative to re-instate Ramiccio. A friend of Tom Ramiccio on the Board of Directors is Roger Manning, Banyan Printing where Ramiccio is employed. Some of the Directors who have been known to support Ramiccio in the past include Greg Rice, Dave Vespo, and Betty Resch. :) I have been unable to reach them for a comment.

Talk about disconnect.


  1. okay, that's it. Everyone IS crazy in this city.

  2. Agreed anonymous at 11:05. No wonder we are the joke of PBC... b/c we deserve to be.

  3. So true and now it's time for me to fly.

  4. It's about time we hear some good news. Tom will get the chamber back on track and rebuild the business community's trust in Lake Worth. There so no better 'Cheerleader" than Tom Ramiccio
    Good luck Tom- were behind you all the way.....
    Downtown Merchants- ready for change

  5. Rah! Rah! Sis-Boom-Bah, Tom Ramiccio is our man, if he can't do it. nobody can.

  6. The Chamber of Commerce is a private organization. It is not a part of city government. It's job is to support the business community who have collectively joined for that purpose. Since Tom left our Chamber has stopped working and everyone in the business community has suffered. Tom made our Chamber what it was and he got too powerful. We need a guy like Tom to come back and work within guidelines set by the board. At this point we need all the help we can get. No one supports our city more than Tom. I say give the guy a second chance.

  7. So Tom got his severance pay and will get his job back with a new contract and new severance clause???

    Who does he think he works for.... the government?

  8. I thought he sued them or something for firing him.

  9. If the Chamber- pot is stupid eneough to bring this jerk back, then they will get what they disereve!Attention all Lake Worth Chamber members: Put AWAY YOUR CASH! Commence with your checkbooks-NOW!!!Good God, Tom is such a hemorrhoid! He keeps hanging around and he won't go away! Anybody got a tube of preparation T ?!?
