Friday, September 16, 2011

Proposed Sale of the Vero Beach Electric Utility

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An interesting video for all of you who, from time to time, say that we should sell our Utility. It is a brief examination of the issues surrounding the proposed sale of the Vero Beach Electric Utility to FP&L and why FMEA believes what FPL is offering is a bad deal for the city.

The City of Lake Worth has $9,107,123 in an electric utility transfer to the General Fund for the 2011/12 budget. It threw the rate payers a ridiculous bone by reducing the public service tax 2% and the conservation charge .65 for 1000 kwh. This is not the time for the City to give back pennies when it needs revenue and taxes us millions.


  1. Remember, all news is bias. There's two sides to every story. You can bet that this video was produced by FMEA. They don't want to lose a member either. I hope our city won't wait until the 11th hour to decide what we're going to do after our contract with FMEA is up. That's what we've always done and if history is any indicator as to what our future course of action will be we'll be deciding days before the contract is up. We need to know exactly how much we spend supplying electric to our customers so we know what we're making selling electricty. We need to know these numbers!

  2. We would owe so much money on the bond and waste any remainder within a short time, that it would not be advisable to sell this impt asset. We need it to rob from it to pay all the stuff that Stanton wants in the budget.

  3. FMEA that produced this video is not the same as FMPA. We have already given notice to FMPA and we are putting together an RFP for another service provider.

  4. To quick on the the keyboard, I know we're part of FMPA.

  5. While the video makes some good points it is very biased in its effort to portray FPL in a not so promising light. The issue that is a concern is the fact that FMEA/FMPA is losing customers and revenues that are impacting their overall operation and cost for those who currently purchase power through the all requirements program. Case in point is LW decided that they can obtain purchased power at a more economical rate than through FMPA, those stranded cost therefore are passed on to utilities still under contract through the ARP and it is inherently beneficial to keep as many municipalities in the fold. There needs to be much more objective information reviewed before a definitive conclusion can be made.

  6. This is what Greg was saying. However, the facts are true, are they not?

  7. That was a propaganda video, plain and simple. FMPA is feeling a heat similar to what Susan, Becky and Clay are feeling from Bill and Lynn.

    If Barry Moline was not so phony sounding, then it may have been more acceptable, but his act was simply not convincing.

  8. Just because someone says it true,
    doesn't make it a fact.We in Lake Worth should no that to be true, look at the B$$$$ the C.M.hands out to the commission as facts.
