Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Passing of Joe Kroll and others

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The City Manager says, "It is with sadness that I must report the resignation of Mr. Joseph Kroll, the City's longstanding Public Services Director.

Mr. Kroll resigned this week to explore new horizons and challenges in both his professional and personal life. Joe has been an outstanding member of the community for many years and will be sorely missed.

Joe will continue his employment with the City until the end of October and will be assisting in the recruitment process for his replacement. These will be large shoes to fill as Joe has worked tirelessly throughout his years with the City, devoting so much of his precious personal time to both our residents and the City Administration, particularly in the role of Emergency Management Director. We are all going to miss him and his energy." What she meant to say was, "don't let the door hit you in the azz on the way out."

Words are cheap. To tell you the truth, it was extremely sad last night when the Mayor read the list of those recently gone from Lake Worth...long time employees, all of them. It literally got me emotional and choked me up. Charles Stevens, our IT man, is leaving after 27 years and the City, instead of the usual watch for long service, gave him an inscribed clock wrapped up in black ribbon, an appropriate color for the occasion. We all applauded after his brief speech. Then he was gone too. Just like he had never been.



  1. How is it the commission can’t see what is going on right in front of them. Joe Kroll is just one in a list of many during the past several years who have left for whatever reason. Anytime an organization has a turnover rate higher than “normal” there is an underlying rational in conjunction with a drop in performance. The symptoms are very obvious, yet the lack of leadership is mind numbing, how can the people in charge not see it, astounding to say the least. You have commissioners claiming that LW is the rising city in the county, can I have some of whatever she’s taking. The city is falling apart before their very eyes, it will be bankrupt very soon, you can’t tax and asses your way to prosperity, not a viable solution. The regime that the CM is attempting to create is falling apart all with the blessing of the commission, hard to believe.

  2. I'm not sorry to see Kroll go. How much money did this guy cost the city? The Commission is asleep at the wheel ,so no one is questioning the bills being submitted to this city. Every consent agenda is an unquestioned hemorrhage of taxpayer funded dollars. That the taxpayers can't comment on!
