Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Palm Beach County Caves in to "Boots on the Ground"

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Rick Bradshaw gets his way. Palm Beach County voted to raise taxes 1%. It comes back to the County Commission on September 27.


  1. Well, maybe if the PBSO would do community service (for free) when they worked at concerts at the Cruzan Ampt. instead of working at them for overtime pay ($) and just accept the free perk of getting to hear/see a free concert maybe they wouldn't need an extra 1% increase. Like Capt. Silva this past weekend at the Brad Paisley concert. The PBSO needs to learn to work with less, work more effectively and efficiently, and stop all the waste too. They do not set a good example with all their greed, and one needs to question their ethics, they never seem to be where they should be (crime infested areas) until after the crimes have festered into major problems or death, they then show up. They need to be more and better examples of community service too. This greed will catch up with them.

  2. I thought when they worked for special events like that the venue had to pay for the service thus not costing the taxpayers....That is how it used to be years ago as I remember that was a big issue back then.

  3. There is no reason that PBSO couldn't cut budget to maintain flat taxes, budget ballooned during real estate bubble but population and services did not increase, where id that money go and why can't it be cut??

  4. Do all sheriffs get a take home car? Even if they don't live in palm beach county?

  5. In this day and age I have lost all respect for our government and law enforcement in this country. It is crazy that our police here cannot enforce all laws on the books, not just local ones. They should be able to send all illegals stopped to the detention center and enforce better all laws related to the illegals. They know when they see them hanging on Lucerne or Lake that they are hustling for work, why are they any different from a prostitute? Drug dealers and prostitutes operate in front of the police here openly in a discreet way and the police do nothing anyway. It is true that the police come after the crimes have occurred, they need to be more vigilant and proactive prior to all this crime happening, they can prevent more by being more present. They are not in sight or are hiding out until they are called to the scene of a crime. This is wrong, the police play chicken too much in this country. They need to be more visible and get out of their cars more. You never see police on bikes or foot much anymore.
